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Archives and Construction
2016 Issue 11
Status Quo and Expectation of Archiving, Preservation,Exploration and Access of Government Microblog
Zhou Wenhong;Li Xingong;Jia Xiaoshuang;School of Public Administration of Sichuan University;School of Information Resource Management of Renmin University;
The Influences and Strategies Deal with the Long-term Preservation of Electronic Records from the View of Life Cycle
Tu Yueming;Zhang Mengxia;Archives of Chinese Academy of Science;
An Analysis of the Authenticity of the Content of Oral Historical Archives
Lu Yu;Department of Library;Information and Archives of Shanghai University;
The Writing Theory of Official Documents in the Ming Dynasty——With the Zoushu,Zhao,Biao as the Objects of Study
Xiao Hong;Hu Mingbo;Changshu Institute of Technology;Literature Institute of Nanjing Normal University;
A Comparative Study on Online Service Function of Chinese,American and British Archive Websites
Mao Yebo;School of Information Management of Heilongjiang University;
Comparative Analysis on Smart Library and Smart Archives
Huang Linying;Fu Rongxiao;Hangzhou Library;School of Public Affairs of Zhejiang University;
Study on Big Data Business Process Reengineering of University Archives
Zhang Qian;Comprehensive Archives Office of Nanjing University of the Arts;
Review of Underground Pipeline Archive Research
Lu Xiaomei;Library of Yancheng Teachers University;
sun zhong shan yu zhen jiang
shen jun fang ;
zhang zuo yu he tao tun ken shi ye
gu ya xin ;
ken mu wen hua jiang hai wen hua zhi guang
zhang jian guo ;
cong huang da feng zou chu de ge ming zhan shi huang ji yun
zhang zhi yuan ;
zhen gui de dang an shi liao wu zuo dang an
qian wen wei ;
qian tan tang dai yang zhou shang ren de cheng xin
zhu yun zuo ;
da shu ju shi dai di shui shu zi dang an shi jian she de jian yi
zhang zhi zhong ; zhu shui qin ; shen wei min ;
wang luo huan jing xia dang an bian yan gong zuo de si kao
li cheng feng ;
jia ting dang an zheng li xu yao bi kai de ji ge wu qu
zhou jing ;
xin xi chuan zhen
zhen si yin hua chou