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Journal of Shandong Jianzhu University
2014 Issue 3
Study on the rutting index based on the pavement performance evaluation
Ren Ruibo;Xu Shiqiang;School of Transportation Engineering;Shandong Jianzhu University;
Simplified calculation method of steel reinforced concrete columns under high temperature on four surfaces
Wang Yuzhuo;Fan Anning;Yan Kai;School of Civil Engineering;Shandong Jianzhu University;
Seismic performance research and FEM analysis of RC beam-slab-column interior spatial joints
Liu Chunyang;Gao Dengli;Li Zhenbao;School of Civil Engineering;Shandong Jianzhu University;Beijing Key Laboratory of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Retrofit;Beijing University of Technology;
The principle and analysis of the three series progression of district heating system based on loop expansion
Li Yongan;Liu Zhendong;Niu Hui;School of Thermal Energy Engineering;Shandong Jianzhu University;
Building foundation reinforcement design based on micro pile underpinning
Fu Yanqing;Wei Huanwei;Kong Jun;School of Civil Engineering;Shandong Jianzhu University;
Isolation and selection of P-dissolving microbes
Zhong Chuanqing;Cao Guangxiang;Huang Weiyi;School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering;Shandong Jianzhu University;Shandong Medicinal Biotechnology Centre;College of Life Science;Nanjing Agricultural University;
Research on building of system of laws and regulations about protection of property rights of urban traditional houses
Huang Ying;Zhang Wei;School of Architecture;Nanjing Tech University;Jiangsu Institute of Urban Planning and Design;
Analysis of construction quality and emission reduction of warm mix asphalt
Li Junqiang;Wang Lizhi;Xu Qiang;Jinan Highway Bureau;Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering in Colleges and Universities;Shandong Jianzhu University;
Research on livable city development strategy and implementation effect in Jinan
Zhou Jiaqiang;Wang Ju;Liu Runqing;Qingdao Campus Construction Office;Shandong University;Architectural and Urban Planning Design and Institute;Shandong Jianzhu University;
Research on waterfront landscape design of Suzhou Canal and Xujiang River
Zhou Liang;Huang Qitang;Lin Zheng;School of Landscape Architecture;Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University;
Research progress of indoor plant response mechanisms of formaldehyde pollution stress
Lu Min;Yan Hongmei;Feng Landong;School of Art;Shandong Jianzhu University;Department of Employment Guidance;Shandong Jianzhu University;
Landscape conceptual planning and design of Mount Tai culture communication center in Taian city
Zhou Xiaona;Zhou Guangzhao;Xu Jie;Architecture ﹠Urban Planning Design Institute;Shandong Jianzhu University;Shandong Kenda Education Real Estate Co.;Ltd.;School of Civil Engineering;Shandong Jianzhu University;
Planning of Hongzhou community in Liuqiao Town in Qihe County
Liang Qilong;Zhang Cong;Song Zhihua;Architecture and Urban Planning Design Institute;Shandong Jianzhu University;
Design and implementation of 3D virtual campus in Shandong Jianzhu University
Liu Hao;Zhang Zimin;Zhou Ying;School of Transportation Engineering;Shandong Jianzhu University;School of Civil Engineering;Shandong Jianzhu University;
Yucai Junior High School campus planning and design in Qingdao economic and technological development zone
Xu Binghua;Ming Liang;School of Architectural Engineering;Qingdao Agricultural University;TYDI;CM Studio;
Analysis of the influence and research strength of Shandong J ianzhu University research papers
He Wei;Liu Peng;Xu Fuyun;Department of Library;Shandong Jianzhu University;
tou gao xu zhi