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Abstracts of Surverying and Mapping
2015 Issue 4
Status and Progress of EMC of BDS User Equipment
LI Lin;TAN Shusen;Beijing Satellite Navigation Center;
Estimation Technology Research of BDS Wide Area Differential Performance
REN Hui;XIN Jie;ZHAO Jinxian;XUE Feng;Beijing Satellite Navigation Center;
Acquisition and Performance Analysis of BDS B3 Frequency Signal Based on FFT
DIAO Yanhua;WANG Xiaojun;JIA Wenjuan;Hebei University of Science & Technology;
Research and Analysis on BDS Real_time XPL in Different Areas
ZHANG Jingyun;BEI Jinzhong;GU Shouzhou;WANG Xiaohui;Shandong University of Science and Technology;Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping;Wuhan University;China University of Geosciences;
Establishing Calibration Center for BDS Navigation and Positioning Products Based on Signal Simulator
XU Jiangtao;PANG Shangyi;WU Xuewen;Dong Xuming;The Center of Shaanxi Metrological Supervision and Verification for Surveying and Mapping Instruments;The First Geodetic Surveying Brigade of NASG;
High-Precision Simulator for Strapdown Inertial Navigation Systems Based on Real Dynamics
YAN Gongmin;WANG Jinling;ZHOU Xinyi;School of Automation;Northwestern Polytechnical University;School of Civil and Environment Engineering;University of New South Wales;
A Survey on Internet-based Data Transport Protocol for GNSS
ZHOU Yuxia;ZHOU Ming;KANG Dengbang;HUANG Xiaohong;China Astronautics Standards Institute;Institute for Network Sciences and Cyberspace;Tsinghua University;Network Technology Research Institute;Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications;
Development of GNSS and Characteristic Analysis of Military Application
XIN Jie;ZHAO Wei;ZHANG Zhixue;XUE Feng;YANG Shangfeng;Beijing Satellite Navigation Center;Beijing Institute of Control and Engineering;
Research on Location with FM Broadcasting Signal
SU Min;QIN Honglei;School of Electronic and Information Engineering;Beihang University;
Novel Nearest Neighbor Data Association Algorithm Based on Improved Mahalanobis Distance
WANG Xiaojun;PEI Fujun;LIU Hongyun;College of Electronic Information and Control Engineering;Beijing University of Technology;
The Series Expansions of Transformations between Eccentric,Mean and True Anomalies
GAO Duanyang;LI Houpu;BIAN Shaofeng;Department of Navigation;Naval University of Engineering;
Distributed Storage and Computing Method of Massive GNSS Data
LI Linyang;ZHANG Youyang;LI Bin;NI Zubin;ZHOU Haitao;School of Surveying and Mapping;PLA Information Engineering University;Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering;Zhengzhou University of Light Industry;Guangzhou Surveying and mapping Information Center;Shenyang Surveying and mapping Information Center;
The 5-state Coarse-time Navigation Algorithm in Indoor Weak Signal Environment
LIU Zehui;HUANG Zhiyong;WANG Tong;YU Guangrui;PENG Chun;ZUO Guojun;Troops 61175;School of Mapping and Surveying;Information Engineering University;China Aerospace Surveying & Mapping Center;Troops 61206;
Representation of Indoor Maps with the Analysis of Indoor Space
YING Shen;ZHU Liping;LI Lin;SU Huizhe;CAO Xiaohang;School of Resource and Environment Science;Wuhan University;NavInfo Co.;Ltd.;
Research on Results of Precise Point Positioning with Different Ephemeris and Clock Bias Products
HE Fan;GAO Chengfa;PAN Shuguo;JIN Xiaodong;School of Transportation;Southeast University;School of Instrument Science and Engineering;Southeast University;
Navigation and Positioning Paper Statistical Analysis from 2010 to 2014
JI Liping;NIU Ruchen;Chinese Academy of Surveying & Mapping;
Changes of Geographic Information Mining for Navigation Cloud
WEN Anping;Shenzhen Careland Technology Co.;Ltd.;
Design and Implementation of Automation Test System for GNSS Receiver
XUE Xia;QIN Honglei;LU Hui;Department of Electronic and Information Engineering;Beihang University;
Research on Improving Accuracy of Adjustment in GLOBK
QIU Ronghai;CHENG Yingyan;XI Wei;Geomatics College;Shandong University of Science and Technology;Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping;
The Analysis on National CORS Network Safety
PENG Daogang;TANG Yupei;Troops 61365;
GNSS RTK Accuracy Analysis of Establishing Grade Point
SHI Ke;LEI Hailin;CHEN Yongsheng;XIE Shangwei;China Energy Engineering Group Co.;Ltd;Liaoning Electric Power Survey and Design Institute;Northeastern University;College of Resources and Civil Engineering;
Applications of Cloud Model in GNSS Height Fitting
ZHANG Xinjie;LUAN Yuanzhong;ZHU Chunqiang;Shandong University of Science and Technology;
Research and Reality of Management and Application Service System of Hebei CORS
WU Wentan;TIAN Zhi;WANG Xinguang;SHI Jinzhi;MO Yanhan;Hebei Provincial Archives of Surveying and Mapping;