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Abstracts of Surverying and Mapping
2003 Issue 2
On Geoid Determination from Airborne Gravity
p. novak~1 m. kern~1; k.-p. schwarz~1; m. g. sideris~1; b. heck~2; s. ferguson~3; y. hammada~3; m. wei~4 (1 department of geomatics engineering; the university of calgary; 2 geodetic institute; university of karlsruhe; 3 sander geophysics ltd; 4 intermap technologies ltd)
Satellite Autonomous Integrity Monitoring and Its Role in Enhancing GPS User Performance
logi viearsson; sam pullen; gaylord green; per enge (department of aeronautics and astronautics; stanford university and nav astro co.)
Architecture of Grid GIS and Its Implementation Techniques
fang jin yun ; he jian bang
yi ban xing wen ti
Design and Implementation of an Open Location Service System Based on SVG
xie zhi ying ; li qing quan ; zuo xiao qing ; yu tao ping
wang shang di xue wen xian zi yuan fen bu ji qi li yong
zhou zuo ; zhao jun hong
she ying ce liang yu yao gan xue
ce liang yi qi
zhuan ye ce hui yu gong cheng ce liang
di ji xue
hai yang ce liang xue
di tu zhi tu xue ( di tu xue )
da di ce liang xue