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Translated World Selsmology
2004 Issue 5
OHP Data Center
n. takeuchi s. watada y. fukao s. tsuboi
Seismic observation system on the sea floor
t. kanazawa h. shiobara m. mochizuki m. shinohara e. araki
The Global Seismographic Network surpasses its design goal
r. butler t. lay k. creager p. earl k. fischer j. gaherty g. laske b. leith j. park m. ritzwoller j. tromp l. x. wen
OHP seismic network
y. morita i. yamada
e. wielandt
Using ScP precursors to search for mantle structures beneath 1800 km depth
j. c. castle r. d. van der hilst
Refining earthquake clustering models
r. console m. murru a. m. lombardi
Probing geodynamic processes beneath the sea floor
d. w. forsyth r. s. detrick
Foreshocks explained by cascades of triggered seismicity
a. helmstetter d. sornette
Seismic sources on the Iberia-African plate boundary and their tectonic implications
e. buforn m. bezzeghoud a. udias c. pro
Plan for living on a restless planet sets NASA's solid Earth agenda
s. c. solomon v. r. baker j. bloxham j. booth a. donnellan c. elachi d. evans e. rignot d. burbank b. f. chao a. chave a. gillespie t. herring r. jeanloz j. labrecque b. minster w. c. pitman; m.simons d. l. turcotte m. l. c. zoback
Holocene slip rate of the Wasatch fault zone, Utah, from geodetic data: earthquake cycle effects
r. malservisi t. h. dixon p. c. l. femina k. p. furling