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Translated World Selsmology
2000 Issue 2
Earthquake-related elemental and isotopic lead anomaly in a springwater
f.poitrasson; s.h.dundas; j-p.toutain; m.munoz; a.rigo
Magnitude of nonlinear sediment response in Los Angeles Basin during the 1994 Northridge,California,earthquake
i.a.beresnev; e.h.field; k.v.d.abeele; p.a.johnson
High-frequency wave propagation in the uppermost mantle
t.ryberg; f.wenzel
Large earthquakes and Earth rotation:the role of mantle relaxation
g.soldati; g.spada
Non-double-couple earthquakes:observation
a.d.miller; g.r.foulger; b.r.julian
Toward the autojuggie:planting 72 geophones in 2 sec
d.w.steeples; g.s.baker; c.schmeissner
Can free oscillations trigger foreshocks that allow earthquake prediction?
s.w.costello; t.e.tuuis
Site prediction of earthquake-induced landslides
A successfully stress-forecast earthquake
s.crampin; t.volti; r.stef nsson