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Journal of Thermal Science
2014 Issue 6
Design of Off-statistics Axial-flow Fans by Means of Vortex Law Optimization
Andrea Lazari;Andrea Cattanei;DIME-Università degli Studi di Genova;Via Montallegro 1;I-16145 Genova;Italy;Presently with FPZ S.p.A.;Via Fratelli Cervi;16;I-20863;Concorezzo;Italy;
Dimensional Analysis on Resistance Characteristics of Labyrinth Seals
HU Dongxu;JIA Li;YANG Lixin;Institute of Thermal Engineering;School of Mechanical;Electronic and Control Engineering;Beijing Jiaotong University;Beijing Key Laboratory of flow and heat transfer of phase changing in micro and small scale;
Numerical Investigation & Comparison of a Tandem-Bladed Turbocharger Centrifugal Compressor Stage with Conventional Design
Syed Noman Danish;Shafiq Rehman Qureshi;Abdelrahman EL-Leathy;Salah Ud-Din Khan;Usama Umer;Ma Chaochen;Sustainable Energy Technologies Center;King Saud University;National University of Sciences and Technology;PNS Jauhar;Karachi;Pakistan;Mechanical Engineering Department;King Saud University;FARCAMT;Advanced Manufacturing Institute;King Saud University;Beijing Institute of Technology;
Economic Analysis of using Above Ground Gas Storage Devices for Compressed Air Energy Storage System
LIU Jinchao;ZHANG Xinjing;XU Yujie;CHEN Zongyan;CHEN Haisheng;TAN Chunqing;Institute of Engineering Thermophysics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Velocity Profiles between Two Baffles in a Horizontal Circular Tube
Tae-Hyun Chang;Hae-Soo Lee;Keon-Je Oh;Doeg Hee Doh;Chang-Hoan Lee;Senior Research Fellow of RESEAT;Korea Institute of Science and Information;Postdoctoral Research Fellow;School of Mechanical Engineering of Kyungnam University;School of Mechanical Engineering;Kyungnam University;Division of Mechanical and Energy Systems Engineering;Korea Marine and Ocean University;Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information;
Mechanism of Tonal Noise Generation from Circular Cylinder with Spiral Fin
Ryo Yamashita;Hidechito Hayashi;Tetsuya Okumura;Hiromitsu Hamakawa;Department of Mechanical Engineering;Nagasaki University;1-14 Bunkyo machi;Nagasaki;852-8521;Japan;Department of Mechanical Engineering;Oita University;700 Dannoharu Oita;870-1192;Japan;
Effect of Placements (horizontal with vertical) on Gas-solid Flow and Particle Impact Erosion in Gate Valve
LIN Zhe;ZHU Linhang;CUI Baoling;LI Yi;RUAN Xiaodong;The Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Fluid Transmission Technology;Zhejiang Sci-Tech University;1201 Chu Kochen Honor College;Zhejiang University;State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power Transmission and Control;Zhejiang University;
Temperature and Concentration Fields in a Generator Integrated to Single Stage Heat Transformer Using Water/Carrol Mixture
E.Gómez-Arias;J.Ibarra-Bahena;L.Velazquez-Avelar;R.J.Romero;A.Rodriguez-Martinez;M.Montiel-González;Centro de Investigación en Ingeniería y Ciencias Aplicadas;Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos;Av.Universidad 1001;Col.Chamilpa;Cuernavaca;Morelos;CP 62209;MéXICO;Facultad de Ciencias Químicas e Ingeniería;Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos;Av.Universidad 1001;Col.Chamilpa;Cuernavaca;Morelos;CP 62209;MéXICO;Posgrado en Ingeniería y Ciencias Aplicadas;Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos;Av.Universidad 1001;Col.Chamilpa;Cuernavaca;Morelos;CP 62209;MéXICO;
Exergetical Analysis of Organic Flash Cycle with Two-Phase Expander for Recovery of Finite Thermal Reservoirs
Chul Ho Han;Kyoung Hoon Kim;Department of Intelligent Mechanical Engineering;Kumoh National Institute of Technology;Daehakro 61;Gumi;Gyeongbuk 730-701;Korea;Department of Mechanical Engineering;Kumoh National Institute of Technology;Daehakro 61;Gumi;Gyeongbuk 730-701;Korea;
Theoretical Investigation of Operation Modes of MHD Generators for Energy-bypass Engines
Jingfeng Tang;Nan Li;Daren Yu;Harbin Institute of Technology;
Free Convention Heat Transfer from an Isothermal Horizontal Thin Strip:the Influence of the Prandtl Number
Lucia Fontana;Dipartimento di Architettura;Universita degli Studi Roma Tre;via Madonna dei Monti;40 00184 Roma;Italy.;
Three-dimensional Numerical Simulation of the Movement of the Flexible Body under Different Constraints
JIN Yuzhen;LI Jun;ZHU Linhang;DU Jiayou;JIN Yingzi;LIN Peifeng;Zhejiang Provincial Key Lab of Modern Textile Machinery & Technology;Zhejiang Sci-Tech University;1201 Chu Kochen Honors College;Zhejiang University;
Investigation of the Effect of Pilot Burner on Lean Blow Out Performance of A Staged Injector
YANG Jinhu;ZHANG Kaiyu;LIU Cunxi;RUAN Changlong;LIU Fuqiang;XU Gang;Key Laboratory of Light-duty Gas-turbine;Institute of Engineering Thermophysics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Contents in Volume 23,2014