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Journal of Thermal Science
2012 Issue 3
Effects of Suction Side Squealer Tip on the Performance of a Low-Speed Axial Compressor
Jun Zhang1;Hongwei Ma1 and Jingyang Li2 1.School of Jet Propulsion;Beihang University;Xueyuan Road 37;Beijing;China 2.Shenyang Aeroengine Research Institute;Aviation Industry Corporation of China;Shenyang;China
Optimal Design of Splitters Attached to Turbo Blower Impeller by RSM
Choon-Man Jang and Ka-Ram Choi Environmental Engineering Research Division;Korea Institute of Construction Technology;1190 IIsanseo-Gu;Goyang-Si;411-712;Korea
Effects of Freestream Turbulence on Bypass Transition of Separated Boundary Layer on Low-Pressure Turbine Airfoils
Hideo Taniguchi;Hiroshi Sakai and Ken-ichi Funazaki Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering;Faculty of Engineering;Iwate University;Morioka;Japan
Numerical Study on the Influence Mechanism of Inlet Distortion on the Stall Margin in a Transonic Axial Rotor
Juan Du1;2;Feng Lin1;2;Jingyi Chen1;2;Scott C.Morris3 and Chaoqun Nie1;2 1.Key Laboratory of Advanced Energy and Power;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing;100190;China 2.Institute of Engineering Thermophysics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing;100190;China 3.Hessert Laboratory;Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering;University of Notre Dame;Notre Dame;Indiana;46556
Conjugate Heat Transfer Characterization in Cooling Channels
Beni Cukurel;Tony Arts;and Claudio Selcan von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics Turbomachinery Department;Chaussée de Waterloo;72;B-1640;Rhode-StGenèse;Belgium
Investigation of the Flow in the Impeller Side Clearances of a Centrifugal Pump with Volute Casing
Bjrn-Christian Will;Friedrich-Karl Benra and Hans-Josef Dohmen Institute of Energy and Environmental Engineering;Turbomachinery;University Duisburg-Essen;47048 Duisburg;Germany
Modal Decomposition for the Analysis of the Rotor-stator Interactions in Multi-stage Compressors
N.Courtiade1;X.Ottavy1;and N.Gourdain 2 1.Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides et d’Acoustique;Ecole Centrale de Lyon;69130 Ecully;France 2.CERFACS;CFD Team;31057 Toulouse;France
Laminar Periodic Flow and Heat Transfer in a Rectangular Channel with Tri-angular Wavy Baffles
Smith Eiamsa-ard;1 and Pongjet Promvonge2 1.Department of Mechanical Engineering;Faculty of Engineering;Mahanakorn University of Technology;Bangkok 10530;Thailand 2.Department of Mechanical Engineering;Faculty of Engineering;King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang;Bangkok 10520;Thailand
Heat Transfer in Internal Channel of a Blade:Effects of Rotation in a Trailing Edge Cooling System
Luca Andrei;Antonio Andreini;Leonardo Bonanni and Bruno Facchini Department of Energy Engineering "Sergio Stecco";University of Florence;Via Santa Marta;3 50139 Firenze;Italy
Particle Image Velocimetry Experimental and Computational Investigation of a Blood Pump
Xiaochen Yang1;Xingmin Gui2;Hui Huang1;Yongbin Shen1;Ziwen Yu1 and Yan Zhang3 1.Beijing Institute of Aerospace Systems Engineering;Beijing;China 2.School of Jet Propulsion;Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;Beijing;China 3.Department of Cardiovascular Surgery;Fuwai Hospital;Beijing;China
Numerical Simulation for Thermal Distribution of Air-conditioner Outdoor Units
Li-Ge Tong1;2;Zhen Zhang1;Li Wang1;2;Shao-Wu Yin1;2;Jiangfeng Yu3 and Chun Liu4 1.School of Mechanical Engineering;University of Science & Technology Beijing;100083;China 2.Beijing Key Laboratory for Energy Saving and Emission Reduction of Metallurgical Industry;100083;China 3.Chinese people’s liberation army 96819 power specialist group;Beijing;100015;China 4.China Dalian International Economic & Technical Cooperative Group Ltd.;Dalian;116011;China