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Journal of Thermal Science
2012 Issue 1
Flow-Field Analysis of Anti-Kidney Vortex Film Cooling
Lars Grf and Leonhard Kleiser Institute of Fluid Dynamics; ETH Zurich; 8092 Zürich; Switzerland
Temperature Distribution and Thermal Stresses in Various Conditions of Moving Heating Source during Line Heating Process
Yoon Hwan Choi 1 ; Yeon Won Lee 1 ; Kwang Choi 2 ; Deog Hee Doh 3 ; and Kyoung Joon Kim 1 1. Department of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering; Pukyong National University; Korea 2. Steel Structure Research Division; Research Institute of Industrial Science & Technology; Korea 3. Division of Mechanical and information Engineering; Korea Maritime University; Korea
Scattering Characteristics of Liquid Droplets Spun Off from Rotating Disk Edge
Mizue MUNEKATA 1 ; Akira NOGUCHI 1 ; Jun NISHIYAMA 1 ; Hiroaki KURISHIMA 2 ; and Hiroyuki YOSHIKAWA 1 1. Dept. of Mech. System Eng.; Kumamoto University 2-39-1 Kurokami; Kumamoto 860-8555; Japan 2. Tokyo Electron Kyushu Ltd. Fukuhara; Koshi; Kumamoto 861-1116; Japan
Experimental Study on the Interactions for Bluff-body and Swirl in Stabilized Flame Process
Bing Ge; Shu-Sheng Zang School of Mechanical Engineering; Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Shanghai 200240; China
Corner Flow Control in High Through-Flow Axial Commercial Fan/Booster Using Blade 3-D Optimization
Fang Zhu 1 ; Donghai Jin 1* ; and Xingmin Gui 1 Aeroengine Numerical Simulation Research Center; Beihang University; Beijing; China
Direct Numerical Simulation of Convective Heat Transfer in a Zero-Pressure-Gradient Boundary Layer with Supercritical Water
C. Azih; J.R. Brinkerhoff and M.I. Yaras Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; Carleton University; Ottawa; Canada; K1S 5B6
Numerical Investigation on the Effects of Re-Organized Shock Waves on the Flow Separation for a Highly-Loaded Transonic Compressor Cascade
Wang Yan gang; Guo Rui; Zhao Longbo; and Ren Siyuan School of Power & Energy; Northwestern Polytechincal University
A Method for the Determination of Turbulence Intensity by Means of a Fast Response Pressure Probe and its Application in a LP Turbine
Davide Lengani; Berardo Paradiso; and Andreas Marn Inst. f. Thermal Turbomachinery and Machine Dynamics; Graz University of Technology; Austria
Study of the Reconstruction of Fractal Structure of Closed-cell Aluminum Foam and its Thermal Conductivity
Dehong Xia; Shanshan Guo; and Ling Ren Department of Thermal Engineering; University of Science and Technology Beijing; Beijing 100083; China
Detailed Analysis of the Flow in the Inducer of a Transonic Centrifugal Compressor
Nicolas Buffaz; Isabelle Trébinjac Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides et d’Acoustique; UMR CNRS 5509 Ecole Centrale de Lyon; UCBLyon I; INSA 36 av. Guy de Collongue; 69134 Ecully Cedex; France
Effects of Chemical Reaction Caused by Cooling Stream on Film Cooling Effectiveness
Keyong Cheng 1;2 ; Shiqiang Liang 1 ; Xiulan Huai 1 ; Wei Chen 1;2 ; Yongxian Guo 1;3 1. Institute of Engineering Thermophysics; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100190; China 2. Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100049; China 3. School of Mechano-electronic Engineering; Xidian University; Xi’an 710071; Shaanxi; China