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Journal of Thermal Science
2000 Issue 4
rayleigh-b nard convection with magnetic field revisited and corrected
jurgen zierep ( institute for fluid mechanics; university of karlsruhe; d-76128 karlsruhe; germany)
the structure of cool flame fronts of pentane, iso-pentane and their mixture
z.a. mansurov ; a.v. mironenko; d.u. bodykov; k.n. rakhimetkaliev; ch.k.westbrook (a1-farabi kazakh state national university; karasai batyr sir.; 95; almaty; 480012; kazakhtan) (university of california lawrence livermore national laboratory)
the use of fractal for prediction of burning rate of composite solid propellants
manouchehr nikazar; mohammad b. bagherpour; bahram dabir (chem. eng. dept.; amirkabir university of technology (tehran polytechnic); no.424; hafez ave.; tehran; iran.)
passive control of steady condensation shock wave
shigeru matsuo ; toshiaki setoguchi; katsumi shimamoto; shinichi yasugi (department of mechanical engineering; saga university; 1; honjo-machi; saga-shi; saga; 840-8502; japan) shen yu (institute of engineering thermophysics; chinese academy of sciences; p.o
a cold model experimental study on the flow characteristics of bed material in a fluidized bed bottom ash cooler in a cfb boiler
lu xiaofeng; li yourong (institute of thermal energy engineering; chongqing university; chongqing; 400044; china)
three dimensional modeling of pulverized coal combustion in a 600 mw corner fired boiler
sandro dal-secco (department mftt; e.d.f.; 6 quai watier; 78400 chatou; france)
effects of inlet swirl on the flow in a steam turbine exhaust hood
miroslav stastny (consultant; francouzska 38; 307 06 plzen; czech republic) ladislav tajc (skoda energo s. r. o.; nam. ceskych bratri 8; 316 00 plzen; czech republic) petr kolar; antonin tucek (techsoft engineering s. r. o.; taborska 31; 140 16 praha 4; c
experimental and three-dimensional numerical study on under-expanded impinging jets
minoru yaga; kenshi ueda; tomohiro ohshiro; izuru senaha; kenyu oyakawa (department of mechanical systems engineering; faculty of engineering; university of the ryukyus senbaru 1; okinawa; 903-0213; japan
flame propagation through concentration gradient
junya iino; mitsuaki tanabe ; kiyoshi aoki (department of aerospace engineering; college of science and technology; nihon university 7-24-1 narashinodai; funabashi; chiba; 274-8501; japan
development of wavelet image compression technique to particle image velocimetry
hui li (department of mechanical engineering; kagoshima university; 1-21-40; korimoto; kagoshima city 8900065; japan)
supersonic-subsonic transition in relatively narrow channels
rudolf dvorak (institute of thermomechanics; academy of sciences of the czech republic; prague; the czech republic)
transport-reaction process in the reaction of flue gas desulfurization
yan yan; xiaofeng peng (thermal engineering department; tsinghua university; 100084 beijing; china) duu jong lee (chemical engineering department; national taiwan university; taipei; 106; taiwan; china)
instabilities in coaxial rotating jets
tanja ivaulc; eric foucault; jean pecheux; virginie gilard (laboratoire d etudes aerodynamiques (l.e.a.; cnrs umr 6609); poitiers; france)
passive control of unsteady condensation shock wave
toshiaki setoguchi; shigeru matsuo; katsumi shimamoto; shinichi yasugi (department of mechanical engineering; saga university; 1; honjo-machi; saga-shi; saga; 840-8502; japan) shen yu (institute of engineering thermophysics; chinese academy of sciences; r.o.
Relative Stability of Boiling of FC-72 and HFE-7100 with Applications to Electronic Device Cooling
z. w. liu; w. w. lin; d. j. lee (department of chemical engineering; national taiwan university; taipei 10617; taiwan; china x. e i; peng) (department of thermal engineering; tsinghua university; beijing 100084; china)
Temperature Distribution on Inclined Plate Caused by Interaction with Supersonic Jet
tsuyoshi yasunobu; hideo kashimura (department of control & information systems engineering; xitakyushu college of technology; sii; kokuraminami-ku; xitakyushu-shi; fukuoka; 802-0985; japan) toshiaki setoguchi (department of mechanical engineering; saga un
computations of inlet/isolator for scramjet engine
wang xiaodong; le jialing (china aerodynamics research & development center; r.o. box 211; mianyang sichuan; 621000; china )
Numerical Study on the Suppression of Shock Induced Separation on the Non-Adiabatic Wall
doug-bong lee (dept. of mechanical engineering; university of inchon; 177 dowhadong namgu; inchon; korea)