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Global Management Review
2006 Issue 7
Recommendations′ Effect on the Trading Tendency
xu su; fang libing and zeng yong
Changes of Value Relevance of Accounting Information of Listed Companies of China and Factors Affecting It
zhang jingqi; tang yingli and deng zhiqiong
A Comparative Study of the FDI performance between China and India
li dawei; he juxiang; gong xue and wang shouyang
An AHP /PROMETHEE Based Method of Selecting Supplier
wang jianjun and yang deli
An Empirical Research on the Association Between Board Characteristics and Quality of Financial Reporting
wu qinghua; wang pingxin and yin junming
Fuzzy Entropy Based Selection of the Credit Risk Assessing Targets of Commercial Banks
zhang yu and zhou zongfang
The Cointegration Relationship between Human Capital and Economic Growth in China
ji caihong; tong rencheng and xu jian
<< guan li ping lun >> ti li
Basic Issues of National Economic Security
lei jiasu
The Asymmetric Timeliness of Earnings and the Test of Accounting Conservatism in China Stock Market
liu shuwen; chen shou and xu yingwen