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Zhusuan and Zhuxinsuan
2012 Issue 6
qian yi zhong zhi zhu suan jiao xue de de yu shen tou
wu xiu lian
gai jin yun suan bu zhou ti gao chu suan shui ping
zhao zhong qi
zhu suan yu shu xue jiao yu
liu qin ying
2013 nian ben kan kan fa yao dian
hui ji wen hua yu zhu suan wen hua
jiang zhi wei wang ping
ti gao zhu xin suan jiao xue shi xiao xing de ce lue si kao
wang qing chang
guan yu ri ben de zhu suan jiao yu
chuan zhen xiu
A Study of the Plasticity of Human Brain and Enlightenment for Education
Wang Yapeng.part-time researcher and doctor at the Research Center of Basic Education Curriculum and the National Key Laboratory of Cognitive Nerve Science and Learnin9;Baiiing Normal Universityl Dong Qi;professor;tutor of doctoral candidares and Vice President of Baijing Normal University.Director of the Institute of Cognitive Nerve Science and Learnin9;Beijing Normal University.and Director of the Research Center of Basic Education Curriculum;Beijing NormaJ Univeraity
zuo ge shi ba da yi shu feng xian dang
huang ze xian