On Modules with d-Koszul Towers
lu jiafeng he jiwei lu diming department of mathematics; zhejiang university; hangzhou 310027; china. school of mathematics sciences; fudan university; shanghai 200433; china.
Lie Superalgebras and Frobenius Algebras
xu xiaoning chen liangyun department of mathematics; northeast normal university; changchun 130024; china; department of mathematics; liaoning university; shenyang 110036; china. department of mathematics; northeast normal university; changchun 130024; china.
Mixed type Generalized Complex Stucture on 4-Manifold
wu weiqiang department of mathematics ; university of science and technology of china; hefei 230026; china; center of mathematics and theoretical physics; ustc - shanghai institute of advanced study; shanghai 201315; china.
Balance Pattern and BP-Optimal Designs
lu xuan fang kaitai xu qinfeng yin jianxin department of mathematical science; tsinghua university; beijing 100084; china. department of mathematics; hong kong baptist university; kowloon tong; hong kong; china. department of statistics; fudan university; shanghai 200433; china. department of mathematics; suzhou university; suzhou 215006; jiangsu; china.