Structural design of theater platform in Shengsi Ocean Cultural Center
xu xiaohong~1; zhang jie~1; yu zuguo~1; gao boqing~2; liu guoguang~(2; 3)(1 architectural design and research institute of zhejiang university; hangzhou 310027; china; 2 spatial structure centre of zhejiang university; hangzhou 310058; china; 3 shanghai aoshun real estate company; shanghai 200001; china)
Thinking of high energy level dynamic compaction application and development
wang tiehong~1; shui weihou~2; wang yaling~3(1 ministry of housing and urban-rural devolpment; p.r.china; beijing 100835; china; 2 shanghai xiandai architectural design group; shenyuan geotechnical engineering co.; ltd.; shanghai 200011; china; 3 china zhonghua geotechnical engineering co.; ltd.; beijing 102600; china)
Analysis on seismic stability of bank in an engineering field
yue maoguang~1; l zhenli~2; wang yayong~3; li hongnan~1(1 dalian university of technology; dalian 116024; china; 2 fujian jinjue estate development co.; ltd.; quanzhou 362000; china; 3 china academy of building research; beijing 100013; china)