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Building Structure
2007 Issue 8
Actual Control Effect of Strong-column and Weak-beam Measures of Reinforced Concrete Frame Structures in China
wei feng; fu jianping; bai shaoliang(faculty of civil engineering; chongqing university; chongqing 400045; china)
Application of Ratio of Story Drift Angles Above and Below the Transfer Floor in Seismic Design of Tall Building Structure
rong weisheng; wang yayong(institute of earthquake engineering; china academy of building research; beijing 100013; china)
Earthquake Torsion Computation on the Offset Podium of High-rise Texture and Torsion Resistance Control Suggestion
chen tianlei; shen shifei(lanzhou engineering & research institute of nonferrous metallurgy co.; ltd.; lanzhou 730000; china)
Analysis on a High-rise Steel-framed Structure with Truss Transfer Story
wang chuanjia~1; chen zhiqiang~1; wang qingyang~(1; 2); biao fangjun~1; yan xiaoming~1; zhang jin~2(1 sedi technology development co.; ltd.; shenzhen 518031; china; 2 china university of petroleum; beijing 102249; china)
Some Views About Reinforcement Bar Used in Concrete Structure in China at Present
zhang weihui; chen chuan; xia miao; zhang jin(shandong provincial architecture design & research institute; jinan 250001; china)
Structural Design for RC Cantilever Stair
jiang zhongguo; gu demin(china ippr eng.co.; beijing 100089; china)
Reconstruction Design and Finite Element Analysis of Prestressing Effects of a New-added Underground Floor of an Office Building
gao huizong~1; liu hang~2; wu wenqi~2(1 zhongguang building design & research institute international; beijing 100034; china; 2 beijing building construction research institute; beijing 100039; china)
Correlation and Calculation Model of Cracking Moment Between Prestressed Hollow Slab and Prestressed Concrete Laminated Hollow Slabs
guo legong~(1; 2); guo lening~3; liu chengcai~2(1 tianjin university; tianjin 300072; china; 2 zhengzhou university; zhengzhou 450002; china; 3 shanghai normal university; shanghai 200231; china)
Performance-based Approach for Determining Target Displacement of Concrete Small-sized Hollow Block Masonry
chang zhaozhong~1; zhou xiyuan~(1; 2); wang youwei~1; cui jianyou~1(1 china academy of building research; beijing 100013; china; 2 college of civil engineering; beijing university of technology; beijing 100022; china)
Analysis on Vertical Seismic Response of a Connected Multi-tower Building
shi wenlong; sun feifei; li guoqiang(dept.civil engineering; tongji univ.; shanghai 200092; china)
Discussion About Structure Design of Building with Laminated Rubber Isolators
zhang tongyi(ippr international engineering; beijing 100089; china)
Finite Element Analysis of Concrete Sandwich Load-bearing Panel
li yanbo; zhang rongqing; dai ziqiang; zhang jing(college of civil engineering; tianjin university; tianjin 300072; china)
Analysis of Deformation Performance and Stiffness of Longitudinal Frame Model with Energy-dissipation Braces
sun xianghong~(1; 2); wang sheliang~2; yao tao~(2; 3)(1 college of civil engineering; chang an university; xi an 710061; china; (2 xi an) university of architecture & technology; xi an 710055; china; 3 xi an liability of elevated express way project co.; ltd.; xi an 710004; china)
Simulated Shaking Table Test Research of Isolated and Non-isolated Frame-shear Wall Structure Model
huang xiangyun~(1; 2); zhou fulin~2; jin jianmin~2; luo xuehai~2(1 xi an university of architecture & technology; xi an 710055; china; 2 earthquake engineering research & test center; guangzhou university; guangzhou 510405; china)
New Design Method of Post-tensioned Prestressed Concrete Frame Beam and Continuous Beam(One-way Slab)
zhou xuqi(beijing zhonglianhuan architecture design ltd.; co.; beijing 100038; china)
Prestressed Concrete Beam Design of Swimming Pool Circular Roof in Guangzhou Riverside Regal Hotel
liu yongtian(guangzhou urban planning & design survey research institute; guangzhou 510060; china)
Discussion About Proportion of Short-pier Shear Wall in Shearwall Structure System
zhang wei~1; liang xingwen~2; liu qingshan~2(1 hongkong huayi design & consultant co.; ltd.; shenzhen 518031; china; 2 xi an university of architecture and technology; xi an 710055; china)
Analysis on Frame-corewall Structure Without Some Corner Beams
he xiaogang(architectural design & research institute; tsinghua university; beijing 100084; china)
Design Measures About Overlong Structure Building of a Hospital in Tianjin
chang junwen~1; gu chong~2; wu xiaoping~2; gao dezhi~2(1 east china architectural design & research institute co.; ltd.; shanghai 200002; china; 2 midas information technology china co.; ltd.; beijing 100044; china)
Design of Thick-board Transfer Structure in Tall Building
liu zaiyang(shanghai jianke architectural design institute; shanghai 200032; china)
Preliminary Research on Resistance of Pile Tip Based on Penetration Displacement of Pile Base
ye jianzhong; zhou jian(department of geotechnical engineering; tongji university; shanghai 200092; china)
fang kong di xia shi she bei zhuan ye guo jia biao zhun tu ji
yuan dai guang ; sun lan
Optimization Design of Prestressed Truss Structures with Multiple Cables
yang haijun~(1; 2); zhang ailin~1(1 architecture & civil engineering department; beijing university of technology; beijing 100022; china; 2 hebei institute of architecture and civil engineering; zhangjiakou 075024; china)
Analysis of Bearing Platform Effect on Settlement of Big Diameter Extended-bottom Pile
xia jianzhong~1; zhang xinpei~2(1 sichuan college of architecture technology; deyang 618000; china; 2 architecture and environmental institute; sichuan university; chengdu 610065; china)
Designing and Constructing of Framework Membrane Structures for Dalian International Movie-television Art Center
wang lichang~1; shang chunyu~1; gong jinghai~2(1 dalian architectural design and research institute; dalian 116021; china; 2 shanghai jiaotong university; shanghai 200011; china)
Computing Method of Seismic Force and Input Seismic Wave in Japanese Structural Seismic Design Code
pei xingzhu~1; zhang li~2; zhou xiaosong~2; liao shuqing~2(1 jiangsu university of science and technology; zhenjiang 212003; china; 2 department of civil engineering; xi an jiaotong university; xi an 710049; china)
Investigation of Foundation Treatment of Fuer Building in Beijing
l yongqing(tsinghua yuan architectural design ltd.; shenzhen 518033; china)
Estimation of Input Energy Spectra of Inelastic SDOF Systems with Equivalent Linear Method
cheng guangyu; ye lieping(tsinghua university; beijing 100084; china)
ji chu di ban zhi yu yan shi shang de te shu she ji
chen wen yuan ; wang chao ; ma wan guo ; zhang tong yu ; liu yu jun
Birth and Characteristics of Technical Specification for Prestressed Steel Structures(CECS212:2006)
lu cilin; liu xuechun(beijing university of technology; beijing 100022; china)
Structural Design of Tall Residential Building with Transferring Box Beam
jia feng(jiangsu institute of civil architecture co.; ltd.; nanjing 210029; china)
Numerical Simulation for Wind Loads of New Wenzhou Airport Terminal
yang wei~1; jin hai~1; jin xinyang~1; chen dailin~1; wang zengchun~1; xiong hongjun~2(1 china academy of building research; beijing 100013; china; 2 new time airport design institute company; shanghai branch; shanghai 200335; china)
Application of Model Conversion Technology Between ANSYS and AutoCAD Software
chen qingjun~1; qiu yuan~2(1 architechture college; south china university of techonology; guangzhou 510641; china; 2 kingold group companies ltd.; guangzhou 510641; china)
dui xian xing kang zhen gui fan ji gao gui de yi xie tan tao
xu chong wei ; huang qin yong
Fire Resistance Design of Prestressed Hollow Floor System
zhuang guowei; chen youfan; wu yanyan(china institute of building standard design & research; beijing 100044; china)
Ultimate Shaft Friction Calculation of Bored Cast-in-situ Pile
dai jinlin(zhongda real estate group co.; ltd.; hangzhou 310003; china)
Numerical Simulation Guided Wind Tunnel Test Study for Wind Loads of Complex Buildings
jin xinyang~1; yang wei~1; jin hai~1; ma tao~2; chen kai~3(1 china academy of building research; beijing 100013; china; 2 beijing institute of architectural design; beijing 100045; china; 3 department of mechanics and engineering science; beijing university; beijing 100871; china)
yi zhong da kua du ci liang de nei li ji suan fang fa
zhang zuo