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Communication of Finance and Accounting
2006 Issue 9
Research on Expert System of Auditing Recourses Allocation——Application in Modern Risk-Based Audit Method
gu xiaoan (business school of usst; shanghai 200031)
Analysis of Accounting Information and Structure of Corporate Governance
gao fenglian (nanjing university of auditing ; nanjing ; jiangsu 210029)
Empirical Test of Accounting Earnings Cash Flow and Stock Price Behavior
zou guosheng (east china jiaotong university ; nanchang ; jiangxi 330013)
View of the Accounting Internationalism In French
zhao xiaodan ( management school ; xiamen university ; xiamen ; fujian 361005)
Studies on the Construction of Accounting Objectives in China under the Property Right View
xie huobao pan li (wuhan university; wuhan; hubei 430072)
Accounting for Intellectual Capital: Rethinking its Theoretical Underpinnings
zeng jieqiong (school of management; huazhong university of science and technology; wuhan; hubei 430074; china)
A Preliminary Study of Competence Asset's Disclosure
wang xaiopeng zhu kaixi (school of economic and management; xi an shiyou university; xi an; shanxi 710065) (accounting department of hunan business college; changsha; hunan 410205)
Empirical Research on Accruals Quality of A-Share Listed Companies in China
tian jing (xiamen kaiyuan state-owned assets investment co.; ltd. 361004)
Accounting Data Letter and Validity Characteristic Value Description——the analysis which based on accountant the variable, the variable relates
zhang xueqian (foreign economical trade university international business school; beijing 100029)
Quality of the Accounting Information and Development of Market Economy in Our Country
li chunfu (shandong tian hen xin accounting firm; linyi; shandong 27600)
The Financing Risk and Preventings for Domestic Listed Companies
zhao ailiang zhang dan (school of economics and management; wuhan institue of technology)
The Process and Implications of Accounting Internationalization in Australia
li yang wang zhenqiang (xiamen university; xiamen ; fujian 361005; shenzhen financial electronic settlement center flink investment@development co.; ltd; shenzhen; guangdcng 518040 )
Function and Use Analysis of Accounting in the Criminal Procedure
wang xiuli (accounting department; xinjiang institute of finance and economics ; urumqi; xinjiang 830012 )
Analysis on Applying Fair Value Model in Accounting Standards
zheng junling (business school of tianjin commerce university ; tianjin 523402)
Reflects on the tax regime design of financial instruments accounting under the new CAS system
xu zhenzhen ( management school ; xiamen university ; xiamen ; fujian 361005)
A game theory model about audit risk
qu xu (southwestern university of finance and economics ; chengdu ; sichuan 610074)
Contemplation on accountancy handle of consideration
zhang fenglian (anhui university of finance and economics; anhui; bengbu 233030)
The Information Content of Modified Audit Opinions:Analysis on 2005 Temporary Delisting Companies
wu ying ( school of business adminstration; changzhou instituteof technology; changzhou; jiangsu 213002)
Countermeasure Research on the Management of State-run Assets of Public Institution
xie xuan (hunan city university; yiyang; hunan 413000)
Financial Development Path-dependence And Interest Rate Marketization
sun dexuan (shandong institute of business and technology; yantai; shandong 264005)
Discussion on the Reform and the Innovation about the Accountant's Education content and teaching method
zhang fengying liu cuiling (yantai vocation college; yantai; shandong 264001)
The Application of Management Accounting in Chinese Commercial Bank
luo yong (lioaning university of petroleum; fushun; liaoning 113001)
Reflections on Implementing Management of Intellectual Capital in Universities
zhu yixin (finance department; nantong university; nantong; jiangsu 226007)
Factor Analysis and Countermeasure Research on Audit Independence Lack
zhao hongli (hangzhou dianzi university; hangzhou; zhejiang 310012)
On Measuring Intangibles Impairment under Asymmetric Information(Ⅲ)——the measuring theoretical model of the measuring impairment
zhou haitao tang xiangxi wang haisu (national tax bureau of suzhou industrial region; suzhou; jiangsu 430073) (zhongnan university of economics &&law; wuhan; hubei 430073)
Disscussions On the Confirment of Enterprise best Capital Structure
tang yang luo changgang (wuhan university banking&&mathmatics department m.a ; economic&&technological development zone chairman ph.d ; wuhan ; hubei 430000)
Strategic Intangibles, Goodwill and Sustained Competitive Advantage
dong birong (nanjing audit university; nanjing; jiangsu 210029)
The Analysis about Request for International and Quality Charancteristic of Enviromental Accounting
he hongyan chen yun (xinjiang financial and economy college; wulumuqi; xinjiang 830012)
The Choice of Big Shareholder Control ,Corporation Governance and Capital Structure——Experimental Research of Listed Company in 2002
wu aili (nanjing universty of finance && economics; nanjing; jiangsu 210046)
Enforcement, social norms and the analysis in lack of accounting honesty and indications
chen yuqing xiao feng wang lin (northeastern university; shenyang; liaoning 110004)
The Interpretation of Materiality for Securities Information disclosure:a Study Based on American Experiences
hu lixiong (accounting department of xiamen university; xianmen; fujian 361005)
Research and Analysis of Corporate Governance and Financial Fraud
zhong yuanwen wang yurong (south-china agricultural university; guangzhou; guangdong 510642)
Research on Objective-Oriented Auditing
xu guoyi (zhengzhou institule of aeronautical industry management; zhengzhou; henan 450005)
Comparative research of Internal Audit between China and Western Countries
liu deyun (shandong economy college; jinan; shandong 250014)
The Analysis Of Modern Auditing Risk Model
guo li (guangdong financial university; guangzhou; guangdong 510521)
The Investment efficiency evaluation of New Economic area based on DEA——Take Tianjin New coastal area as the example
xia laibao wei yaping (tianjin polytechnic university; tianjin 300160 )
Applied Cost-benefit method to evaluate traffic safety measures
tang hong (hubei police officer college; wuhan; hubei; 430034)
The Dynamic Research for the Market Company Property Rights Disposition
luo junlin zhan ning (inner mongolia industry university management institution; inner mongolia)
A Study on Internal Control Reports of Listed Companies Based on ERM Framework
mao qiaoling chen hui (nanjing university of technoloyy; jiangsu polytechnic university; nanjing; jiangsu 210009)