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Communication of Finance and Accounting
2006 Issue 8
The Discusses on the Restriction Factor and Countermeasures to Influence the Enforcing Audit law
luo hongxia (guizhou radio and tv university; guiyang; guizhou 550004)
Comprehensive Evaluation and Analysis of Listed Companies Operation Achievements
gong qiaoyun he feiping (chongqing institute of technology; chongqing 400050; ) (shanghai university of finance and economics; shanghai 200036)
Overhead researches on Goal construction of The accounting information
lv xuedian (yancheng teachers college; yancheng; jiangsu 224002)
Thinking on Establishing and Perfecting Our Forensic Accounting System
zhang dianjun (dalian national university; dalian; liaoning 116600)
The study of Relationship between the Achievement and Dividend Distributiion way of Chinese listed companies
chi zhaomei (guangxi university of finance and economics; nanning ; guangxi 530003)
Relationship Analysis on Tax Policy and High-tech Companies' R&D financing efficiency
cao xiaoli chen haisheng chen jinhua wang meicheng (south china university of technology; guangzhou; gangdong 510640)
Exploration about Corporate Governance Expenses
ye chengang lv peishi (university of international business and economics; beijing 100029) (nankai university; tianjin 300071)
Discuss on Western Financial Objective Theory Based on Stakeholder
su haiyan yang shiyong (school of management cumt; xuzhou; jiangsu 221008)
The Choice of Accounting Policy based on the Governance Patterns: Apocalypse on the Comparison
tang ling (hubei university of technology; wuhan; hubei 430068)
Rebuilding and Combination of Financing: A Sight of Culture
xiao ming (hubei university of economics; wuhan; hubei 430205)
Problems and Analysis of university financial supervision
yin zhihai zhu wei (anhui university of science && technology; huainan; anhui 232001)
On Asset Defining
wu linghui chen zhitao (yangling vocational && technical college; yangling; shansi 712100; xiamen university ; xiamen; fujian 361005)
Tentative on Chinese Financial Accounting Objectives
yang bo (beijing institute of economic management; beijing 100102)
New Discussion on Accounting Essential Factors
tang laiquan (shandong institute of light industry; jinan ; shandong 250100)
Evaluation of Chinese Accounting Standards Formulating Procedures
xie hui (zhongshan radio && tv university; zhongshan; guangdong 528400)
Tentative Plan on Constructing the System of Universities and Colleges for Publicizing Audit Results
zeng lingru (guangdong university of foreign studies; guangzhou guangdong 510420)
Analysis of Financing Modes for Listed Company's MBO
yu guojie yin zhan hao mengmeng (wuhan university; wuhan; hubei 430072)
Study on the Accounting System Arrangement for Property Rights Operation Mechanism of Human Resources
wu long (baoji college of arts && sciences; baoji; shanxi 721013)
Logical Study on the Relevancy of Audit Evidence
min qing (wuhan university ; wuhan; hubei 430072)
Discussion on the Profitability Analysis Index of Listed Company
zhang baoqing (shandong economics management personnel institute; jinan ; shandong 250014)
The analysis of defect for the independence of CPA audit
wang ping (zhejiang gongshang university ; hangzhou; zhejiang 310035)
Audit Cost Analysis of the Auditor Alternation System
shi ying (changsha commerce && tourism vocational college; changsha; jiangxi 410016)
Structure Analysis of the CPA's Professional Ethics Framework
yu xiaoming (zhejiang university of finance and economics; hangzhou; zhejiang 310018)
A Study on Internal Audit Participation in Risk Management
qiao ruihong (tianjing university of technology; tianjing 300222)
An Analysis on the Historical Progress and the Causation of Internal Auditing Approach
ni huiping (nanjing audit university; nanjing; jiangsu 210029)
On Assumption of policy Decision of Short-term Management
liu hongbo (pingyuan university; xinxiang; henan 453003)
Occupational Ethics Education Researches of Accountant Specialty Teaching
gu yan (nanjing sanjiang university; nanjing; jiangsu 210012 )
Influencing Factor Analysis ofUniversity Educational Cost accounting
li yongning (huaiyin teachers college; huai an; jiangsu 223001)
The Objective,Principles,Criteria and Approaches of Intangible Assets Measuring Impairment
tang xiangxi zhou haitao wanghaisu (zhongnan university of economics & law; wuhan; hubei 430073)
On Accounting Value Mechanism
xu qiangguo ye chenyi (accounting school of tianjin university of finance and economics; tianjin 300222) (accounting school of shijiazhuang university of economics; shijiazhuang; hebei 050031 )
The Characteristics and Relations of Accounting Information Quality
tan zhiyu (zhuzhou qianjin pharmaceutical co.; ltd; zhuzhou; hunan 412003)
An Analysis on Realizing form of Government Benefit Auditing
zhang min (anhui university of finance and economics; bangbu; anhui 233041)
Fair Value Measurements of liability: Reality and Danger
wu gang (xihua university; chengdu; sichuan 610039)
On the CPA's Proper Professional Prudent
peng lanxiang (zhejiang university of finance and economics; hangzhou; zhejiang 310018)
Dialysis on the misjudgment of CPA Audit
chi yulian (shihezi university college; shihezi; xinjiang 832000)
The Empirical Research on Ownership Structure,Tunneling and Firm Value
wang junqiu (east china university of science and technology; shanghai 200237)
Financial Manipulation Analgsis about Business Combination Purchase Method
he liang (luxury (shanghai) international trading co.; ltd.; shanghai 200042)
Intelligent Early-warning of Corporation Financial Crisis: Index Choice and Technologic Way
xie fang (wuyi university jiangmen guangdong 529020)