The Nature of Self-Esteem and Education Care
zhang xiangkui; concurrent professor at psychology and behavior research school of tianjin normal university and professor; deputy director & tutor of doctoral candidates at educational science school of northeast normal university (changchun 130024); cong xiaobo; associate professor at politics & law school of northeast normal university and doctoral candidate at psychology department of northeast normal university (changchun 130024)
Review of “Coleman Report”
ma xiaoqiang; doctor and deputy director of research center for educational inspection and assessment of china national institute for educational research (beijing 100088)
Postmodernism and Educational Research in China
zhang yingqiang; professor; vice president and tutor of doctoral candidates at educational science research college of huazhong university of science and technology; zhao jun; doctoral candidate at educational science research college of huazhong university of science and technology (wuhan 430074),78
Curriculum Knowledge and Form of Social Awareness
li diansen; doctoral candidate at education college of southwest university; jin yule; professor; tutor of doctoral candidates and president at education college of southwest university (chongqing 400715),96