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Journal of International Communication
2015 Issue 1
Review of China’s Journalism and Communication Studies in 2014
Chen Lidan;XIONG Zhuang;School of Journalism and Communication in Remin University of China;Research Institute of Journalism and Communication at Research Center of Journalism and Social Development in Remin University of China;
Exploration and Confusion of Media Economics Studies under Internet Logic:A Review of Key Studies in 2014
YU Guoming;HU Yangjuan;School of Journalism and Communication;Renmin University of China;Media Economy and Management Association of China;
Review of Chinese New Media Communication Studies in 2014
FU Yuhui;China Unicom;
Mapping out the Global Outline of Chinese Online Activism Research:A Study Based on Data from CSSCI,TSSCI and SSCI(2003-2014)
MIAO Weishan;SUI Yan;the school of Journalism &Communication;Tsing Hua University;the TV School of Communication University of China;
Reflections from the Political Economy of Communication on the Habermas’ Public Sphere Theory:Capital,Mass Media and the State
ZHAO Yonghua;YAO Xiaoou;the School of Journalism;Renmin University of China;
Remodeling Journalism:A Networked Relations Perspective
Huang Dan;Fudan Journalism School;
Circumstance and Identity Transformation of Journalistic Activity Subject:A Case Study of Professional Whistle-blower
PENG Huaxin;the College of Mass Communication;Shenzhen University;
Genetic Modification Debate and Anxiety of Knowledge Production in Mass Media:A Perspective of the Relations between Scientists and Journalists
CHEN Gang;School of Journalism and Communication;Wuhan University;
New Urban Migrants’ Social Media Use and Subjective Well-being
The Evolvement of Value Research on Network Neutrality and Logic Laws of the Evolution
DONG Yuanyuan;the School of Language and Communication Studies;Beijing Jiaotong University;Visual Communication Studios;Beijing Jiaotong University;
The Research on the Evolution of Domestic Network Public Opinion Based on the "Zhu Ling Case"
DING Peng;DENG Xiangyang;School of Journalism and Communication & Film and Television Arts of Hunan University;
From history of newspapers to history of newspaper reading:an alternative perspective of Chinese journalism history research
BIAN Donglei;school of journalism and communication in Nanjing Normal University;
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