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Journal of International Communication
2014 Issue 7
Discourse Analysis in Communication Fields:Differences between CDA
LI Jing;the Institute of Journalism and Communication Studies;Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences;
Media Discourse in the Field of Power:The Construction and Discourse Strategy on the Image of Mainland China in Hong Kong Newspapers
CHEN Wei;the School of Journalism and Communication;Hubei University;
Visual Disenchantment of Propaganda Discourse:the Netizens’ Deconstruction of Political News Photos under New Media Environment
SHENG Xigui;HEJingjie;the School of Journalism;Renmin University of China;
Position and Discourse,Research on the Subject of Advertising Criticism in Digital Era:An Exploratory Study of Advertising Criticism Based on Mrs.Zhang Advertisement Event
GUO Jin;Institute of Sociology;Chinese Academy of Social Sciences;Global Brand Insight magazine;
The Rhetoric of Renaming Brands in International Communication
XU Linjia;LIU Jianhua;the Department of Journalism and Science Communication;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;the Chinese academy of press and publication;
Text Citation and Frequency Meaning:Framework Analysis on the Report of "Mo Yan Winning" in China,France and the USA
OUYANG Ming;LIU Yingcui;DONG Jingya;the School of Journalism and Communication;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
The Evolvement and Shift of Development Communication Researches over the Last 30 Years
HAN Hong;School of Political Science and Public Administration;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;
A Review on the Origins and Development of the Theory of Planned Behavior
YAN Yan;the School of Journalism and Mass Communication;Wuhan University;
An Empirical Study on Communication Infrastructure of Rural China,Political Trust and Political Engagement:the Second Report of the Distance between Government and Rural Residents
LIU Xiaoyan;LI Huijuan;WANG Min;ZHAO Yusi;the School of Journalism & Communication in Renmin University of China;
A Study on Effects of Social Media:Analysis from Social Capital Perspective
ZHAO Shuguang;School of Journalism and Communication;Tsinghua University;
Into and Out:Attitude of Public Opinion Circles to "Politics" and Thinking Turn in the Early Republican
TANG Haijiang;the School of Journalism & Communication;Huazhong University of Science & Technonogy;