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Journal of International Communication
2013 Issue 1
A Historical Perspective of Tabloid Journalism
WANG Dianying School of Film&TV Arts and Technology; Shanhai University School of Humanities;Yantai University.
On the Translation of Foreign Names in Books of Journalism and Communication Studies
LIU Jian Department of Chinese;Yunnan Normal University.
Review of China’s Journalism and Communication Studies in 2012
CHEN Lidan;MAO Zhanwen School of Journalism;Renmin University of China School;Renmin University of China
On the Role of News Media in the Formation of Civil Society in the United States
YAO Jinsong Department of Chinese Language and Literature;Huaihua University;School of Journalism and Communication;Wuhan University.
Review of China’s Communication Law Studies in 2012
CAI Fei School of Journalism&communication;Southwest University of Political Science and Law.
Press Supervision and Living Conditions:An Analysis of“Destroying Newspapers”Incidents in China from 1946 to 1949
LI Shixin School of Journalism&Communication;Jinan University.
New Media in Social Management:Functions and Impacts
HUANG He;WANG Fangfei School of Journalism Renmin University of China.
The Responsibility of the Press and the Pursuit of Freedom in 1930s——A Case Study Based on The Forum of Journalists
XU Jizhong School of Journalism and Communication at Anhui University.
Review of China’s Microblogging Communication Studies in 2012
WANG Xiaolan Hangzhou Eastelsoft Co.;Ltd.
A Study on the Application and Design of Interactive Information Graphics
XU Xiangdong School of Journalism;Renmin University of China.
Review of Audience Analysis
LIU Yannan Audience Research Center;Communication University of China.
Perceived H1N1 Flu Vaccine Efficacy and Likelihood of Vaccine Uptake in China and the U.S.:Assessing the Influences of Mass Media,Risk Perception and Self-efficacy
HAN Gang;SHEN Guolin;CHU Kejun Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication; Iowa State University Journalism School;Fudan University Lake 5 Media
Stigmatization:News Reporting on Online Gaming Teenagers’ Image Construction
Yan Daocheng;Huang Guo Journalism and Communication College;Hunan Normal University.
The Frame of Macau Chinese Newspaper at the End of the Anti-Japanese War
LIU Xudong;HUANG Hu Faculty of Humanities and Media Arts;Macau University of Science and Technology. Journalism School;Fudan University.
Digital Survival of Media Industry in a World of Big Data:Review on Media Economics Studies in 2012
YU Guoming HE Rui School of Journalism;Renmin University of China.
Review of China’s New Media Communication Studies in 2012
FU Yuhui China Unicom
Re-exploring the Origin of Objectivity in Journalism
YANG Kai School of Journalism and Communication;Guangdong University of Foreign Studies.
The Future of Journalism:Networked Journalism
Bregtje Van Haak;Michael Parks;Manuel Castells Zhang Jianzhong Li Xueqing VPRO Television;the Netherlands. University of Southern California the School of Journalism and Communication;Xi’an International Studies University. the School of Communication Studies;Communication University China.