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Journal of International Communication
2012 Issue 11
Communication and Medium Theory in Niklas Luhmann’s Social System Theory
LI Yufu;CAI Yukun Chongqing Jiaotong University
Chicago School’s Cultivation and Promotion on the Paradigm of Functional-Behaviorism:Doubts on the proposal of Return to the Chicago School
TANG Xiyan the School of Humanities & Communications;Zhejiang Gongshang University.
BBC Professional Education of Journalist in the Context of Media Convergence:An Interview with the Head of BBC College of Journalism Jonathan Baker
Jonathan Baker;XIN Xin Head of BBC College of Journalism. Lecturer of School of TV & Journalism;Director of Center for Intercultural Communication Research;Communication University of China.
Referential and Expressive:An Analysis of Robert E.Park’s Communication Ideas
CHEN Jingjing the Department of Journalism;Yunnan University.
Populism Orientation in Political Communication——In perspective of Japan’s purchase of disputed islands and American general election
LIU Xiaoyan;full professor of Journalism and Society Development Research Center;Journalism professor;Renmin University of China.
On Arendt’s Propaganda Thought
ZHOU Honggang Department of Journalism and Communication;Xi’an University of Finance and Economics;and PhD candidate at School of Journalism and Information Communication
Comments on Lewis Mumford’s Communication Ideas and Their Academic Values
WANG Hua the School of Literature and Journalism;Shandong University.
Changing of Taiwan Magazines in the Layout Editing:A Case Study of Common Wealth
WU Linlin the School of Journalism and Communication;Xiamen University
Review of Researches on "Chinese Media" in Journals of China Studies in SSCI and A&HCI since 1990s
LIU Jing the Department of Journalism and Communication;South China Normal University.
Evaluation of the New Classification on Culture and Relative Industry and Analysis of Its Effect on Press and Publication Industry
ZHAO Yanhua the researcher of Chinese Academy of Press and Publication.
Study on Art Forms of Animation Advertisement based on Eye Movement Experiment:Taking Advertisement Tableaux as Sample Analysis
WU Laian the School of Communication;Anhui Normal University.
Japanese Senior Politicians’ Arrogant and Inferior Attitudes towards China:China-antagonism in Japan’s Public Opinion
LIU Linli Foreign Language College;Communication University of China
African Media’s Coverage on China:Influence and Reflection
ZHOU Yuyuan the School of International Studies in Peking University the Institute of African Studies in Zhejiang Normal University.
The Methodology Foreground of Paradigm Theory in Communication Studies
CHEN Lei the Journalism and Communication School;Wuhan University.
Study on the Sociological Turn Underlying the Cultural Vision of News Production
QIU Hongfeng the School of Journalism and Communication;Xiamen University.
The View of Media Extensions about McLuhan & Mumford
WANG Run School of Journalism and Communication;Xinjiang University.