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Journal of International Communication
2010 Issue 1
Alternative Media and Its Advocacy Journalism
li yiping (school of journalism and communication; jinan university; 510632)
Hu Shi,Lei Zhen and"Free China":Concurrent Discussion on the Path for Realizing Freedom of Speech
wu lin (school of cultural communications; china institute of industrial relations; bei jing; 100048)
History and Status Quo of Disaster Information Studies in Japan
sun geng (beijing international studies university; beijing; 100024)
The Protection of Minors against Harmful Content in the Converging Media Environment In Western Countries:A Strategic Analysis
kuang wenbo; gao yan (school of journalism and communication; renmin university of china; beijing; 1000872)
Discourse Change and Five Stages of Chinese TV News Editing
lv peng (institute of journalism of shanghai academy of social sciences; shanghai; 200235)
On the Administrative Subordination of Jin Zou Yuan in the Song Dynasty
wei haiyan (liaoning university; shenyang; 110036)
A Review of Media Economics and Management Research in Mainland China,2009
yu guoming; wang bin (renmin university of china; beijing; 100872; china youth university for political sciences; beijing; 100084)
A Review of the Studies of New Media in Mainland China,2009
fu yuhui (communications university of china; beijing; 100024)
The Core Values of Universal Journalism Ethics
yang baojun (school of journalism and communication; renmin university of china; beijing; 1000872)
Four Ways of Theme Identification in Photojournalism
zeng xiaojian (department of journalism and communication; hunan institute of science and technology; yueyang; 414006)
The Features of Journalism Education during the Early Republic of China:A Case Study of Journalism Department,Yenching University
qi hui; wang cuirong (school of journalism and communication; heilongjiang university; haerbing; 150080)
The Existential and Ontological Question of the"Virtual World"News
li mingliang (school of humanity and communication studies; shanghai normal university; shanghai; 200234)
The Reality and The Ideal:An analysis on the Journalistic Consciousness of the Modern Newspapers during the Early Republic of China(1916-1928)
wang runze (school of journalism and communication; renmin university of china; 100872)
Why the Press Owners May Accept the System of Editing-Management Separation:A Perspective of Neo-institutional Economics
zhang jian (phoenix communication college; suzhou university; suzhou; 215123)
A Further Thought Based on Prof.FANG Hanqi's Research on Ta Kung Pao
liu yangyu (school of journalism and communication; nanjing normal university; nanjing; 210097)
A Reinvestigation on Min Sheng Bao Case in Nanjing
liu jizhong (school of journalism and communication; renmin university of china; beijing; 100872)
American Media's Ethnic Balance Idea in the Context of Ethnic Diversity:a Construction of Journalistic Professionalism
yang kai (school of journalism; ji nan university; guangzhou; 510632)
ben kan zheng gao qi shi
The Fundamental Contribution of Gregory Bateson to the Communication Research
liu mengzhi (school of journalism; fudan university; shanghai; 200433)
Media Regulation and Its Idea on Content Regulation in Japan
zhang zhi (school of literature; journalism and communication; central university for nationalities; beijing; 100081)
A Review of Journalism and Communication Studies in Mainland China,2009
chen lidan (school of journalism and communication; renmin university of china; beijing; 100872)
Characteristics of Newspapers and Periodicals in the Late Qing Dynasty
gu changling (school of journalism and communication; renmin university of china; beijing; 100872)
The Ties Generation and Media Integration:An Essential Interpretation of Media Industry in the Perspective of Social Embedding
mai shangwen (school of journalism and communication; jinan university; guangzhou; 510632)