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Journal of International Communication
2004 Issue 3
du lian ti guo jia jian li xin xi gong xiang ji zhi
cheng han zuo
On system of news spokespersons in China
xiao yan-xiong and yin xi
To seek balance between public's right-to-know and information publicity
chen xuan (renmin university of china; beijing; 100872)
On defects of Milton's press freedom
tang hai-jiang (renmin university of china; beijing; 100872)
System in the view of communication
xu gui-quan (beijing university of industry and commerce; beijing; 100001)
Advertisement flow——a new perspective of advertisement research
ding han-qing (renmin university of china; beijing; 100872)
bai cao yuan
dian shi shou zhong yu wen hua yan jiu yi hou ji
shi an bin
Traces of American environmental news and its pioneers(1844-1966)
zhang wei (nanjing university; nanjing; 210093)
A review and expectation on studies of press theories
chen li-dan (renmin university of china; beijing; 100872)
On the development trend of TV entertainment programs
yang nan and dong yan
The general situation of Japanese free paper and references to Chinese media
zhang hui-feng (renmin university of china; beijing; 100872)
The news spokesperson system and the modern government
yang he
Media research in the sight of cultural study
cai qi and xie ying (hunan normal university; changsha; 410081)
The Formation of the Japanese Media's Communications Propensity after the War
zhuge-weidaong (peking university; beijing; 100872)