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Journal of International Communication
2001 Issue 3
On News Events
li xi-guang (tsinghua university; beijing; 100084)
Dallas W·Smythe:the Leading Scholar in Political and Economic Communication
guo zhen-zhi (beijing broadcasting institute; beijing; 100024)
The Advantages of Web Media
wang shu-jun (people daily; beijing; 100733)
Interpersonal Communication on Internet
peng lan (renmin university of china; beijing; 100872)
bai cao yuan
Observation on China-related Reports in US News & World Report of 2000
zhou qing-an and shen lu
Developing Strategy of Overseas Chinese Media
cheng man-li (renmin university of china; beijing; 100872)
The Influences of “Accession into WTO” upon China's Media and the Countermeasures
sun xu-pei (huazhong university of science and technology; wuhan; 430074)
Foreign Media and anti-Evil cult Battle
wen you-ren
Analysis of US News Coverage of Passing of PNTR
qiao mu (tsinghua university; beijing; 100084)
China Image Covered by American Newspapers: April 1st Collision Case Study
chen han-xi (tsinghua university; beijing; 100084)
song qing ling xin wen chuan bo si xiang
chen ri nong
Facistic tendancy of Japanese Media during the Second World War
chen li-dan (chinese academy of social sciences; beijing; 100026)