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International Social Science Journal
2013 Issue 3
Bodies do matter! The rule of precariousness in Haiti
Maria Ferreira;Technical University of Lisbon;
The normalisation of exception in the biopolitical security dispositif
Gonzalo Velasco Arias;
The governance of AIDS in Chile: Power/knowledge, patient-user organisation, and the formation of the biological citizen
Hernn Cuevas Valenzuela;Isabel Prez Zamora;Pontificia Universidad Católica;Universidad Diego Portale;Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación;
The biopolitical paradox: Population and security mechanisms
Emiliano Sacchi;
chao yue fu ke cong sheng ming zheng zhi dao dui sheng ming de zheng fu guan li
tuo ma si lei mu ke ; liang cheng yu ;
sheng ming zheng zhi gai nian de xi pu yan jiu xin cheng guo
mai ke er lai te ; zhang shan ;
ha bei ma si ou meng wei ji : yi zhong fan ying ping jie
wang fu xing ;