Minimal Ovarian Stimulation for IVF
CHEN Jia-zhou;SUN Xiao-xi. The International Peace Maternity & Child Health Hospital;School of the Medicine;Shanghai JiaoTong University;Shanghai 200030;China
Mitochondrial Function and Sperm Motility
ZHOU Xiu-fen;JIANG Hong.Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics;the People’s Hospital of Luan City;Luan 237005;China;Repoductive Medicine Center;PLA 105 Hospital;Hefei 230031;China
Clock Gene Per2 and Tumor
WANG Zhao-xia;LI Li.Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology;the First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University;Taiyuan 030001;China
Early Investigation of Artificial Abortion
LU Jun;LIU Xiao-ai;HE Ping;LU Qiao-zhen. Maternity & Infant Health Hospital;Shanghai 200051;The Affiliated International Peace Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Medical College of shang hai Jiao Tong University;shanghai 200030