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Landscape Architecture
2016 Issue 7
kan shou yu
WANG Xiang-rong;
re dian shi jian
gui hua she ji
Thomas A.Clark;HE Wei;School of Landscape Architecture;Beijing Forestry University;
Memory Structures the Present: Urban Form in Four Mountain Towns
Jack G. Williams;ZHANG Shi-yang;School of Landscape Architecture;Beijing Forestry University;
Botanical Gardens in the Mountain Landscapes of China: The Case of the Beijing Botanical Garden
LI Zheng;LI Xiong;School of Landscape Architecture in Beijing Forestry University;Beijing Forestry University;School of Landscape Architecture in that institution;
Trekking and Alpine Landscapes:Swiss and Norwegian outdoor Landscape strategies as reference for Hengduan Mountains
LI Bin;Karl Otto Ellefsen;Institute of Urbanism and Landscape;the Oslo School of Architecture and Design;
Studies on the Complexity and Coping Strategies of Mountainous Downscape-Taking the Bayu Town as an Example
DU Chun-lan;LIU Ting-ting;MAO Hua-song;School of Architecture and Urban Planning in Chongqing University;Landscape Architecture in Chongqing University;
Dock Street Roof Terrace, New York
li ji er ; ma xiu wei lian mu si ; tan li ;
The application of Public Participation Geographic Information Systems in Landscape Architecture
DAI Dai-xin;XIE Min;College of Architecture and Urban Planning;Tongji University;Key laboratory of Ecology and Energy-saving Study of Dense Habitat;Ministry of Education;College of Architecture and Urban Planning;Tongji University;
On Policy Problems and Optimizing Directions of Vertical Greening in China Learning from Experience Abroad
MENG Xiao-dong;WANG Yun-cai;Landscape Architecture in College of Architecture and Urban Planning;Tongji University;the Landscape Architecture department;in College of Architecture and Urban Planning;Tongji University;Key Laboratory of Ecology and Energy-Efficient Study of Dense Habitat;Ministry of Education;College of Architecture and Urban Planning;Tongji University;
Study on the Effects of Different Landscapes on Elderly People’s Body-Mind Health
LIU Bo-xin;XU Yue;School of Architecture and Engineering in Zhejiang University of Technology;School of Art and design in zhejiang University of Science and Technology;
Urban Park design Characteristics that Promote Seniors Walking Exploration based on Content Analysis Method
ZHAI Yu-jia;Landscape Architecture;Tongji University;