Dr. Jon Bryan BURLEY DI Fan Dr. Jon Lands cape Architecture at the School of Planning Designand Construction;College of Social Science and College of Agriculture and Natural Resources; Michigan State University.American Society of Landscape Architects.MLA candidate at the Landscape Architecture Department of Harvard Graduate School of Design.
Landscaping SMART
Peter PETSCHEK GUO Yong Department of Landscape Architecture;HSR University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil
Computational Design: Design in the Age of a Knowledge Society
Mihai NADIN GAO Yan Interactive Arts;Technology;and Computer Science; University of Texasat Dallas;School of Arts and Humanities BISC Special Interest Group in Anticipatory Computing;Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing;University of California-Berkeley. Department of Architecture;Faculty of Architecture;University of Hong Kong.
wen ni bo hua bing bi hu suo
Patkau Architects;Inc John Patkau Patricia Patkau James Eidse Tyler Brown Matthew Bunza Thomas Schroeder LukeStern Peter Suter
Methodology for Post-Industrial Land Transformation
Luís LOURES DI Fan Research Center for Spatial and Organizational Dynamicsin University of Algarve.Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources;Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre.MLA candidate at the Lands cape Architecture Department of Harvard Graduate School of Design.