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Chinese Journal of Chemistry
1993 Issue 3
Synthesis,structure and electrochemistry of dithiocarbamato phenthiolate oxo-molybdenum(Ⅳ)complexes[MoO(SΦ)2(S2CNEt2)]
ZHUANG;Bo-Tao PAN;Bing-Hua HUANG;Liang-Ren EAN;An-Jian Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter;Fuzhou Research Laboratory of Structural Chemistry;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Fuzhou;Fujian 350002
Molecular structure of imidazolate bridged binuclear zinc complex and its single crystal ESR spectra doped with bridged Cu—Zn complex
MAO;Zong-Wan CHEN;Dong HAN;Shi-Ying SUI;Yun-Xia TANG;Wen-Xia State Key Laboratory of Coordination Chemistry;Nanjing University;Nanjing 210008YU;Kai-Bei Analysis Center;Chengdu Branch of Chinese Aacdemy of Sciences;Chengdu 610015
A novel regio-and stereo-specific hydrohalogenation reaction of 2-alkynoic acids and their derivatives
LU;Xi-Yan ZHU;Guo-Xin MA;Sheng-Ming Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shanghai 200032
Synthesis of 15-hydroxy-15(14→8)abeo-5α,(8S)-cholestane-3,14-dione
LI;Tong-Shuang LI;Yu-Lin Slate Key Laboratory of Applied Organic Chemistry and Institute of Organic Chemistry;Lanzhou University;Lanzhou 730000LIANG;Xiao-Tian Institute of Materia Medica;Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences;Beijing 100050
A novel mixed-coordination cobalt(Ⅲ)complex:synthesis and structure of Co(Ⅲ)(mpp)(Hmpp)(n-Bu3P)2
XU;Yong-Jin KANG;Bei-Sheng CHEN;Xue-Tai HU;Yong-Han Fuzhou Laboratory of Structural Chemistry and Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Fuzhou;Fujian 350002
Structural elucidation of sex pheromone components of the Geometridae Semiothisa cinerearia(Bremer et Grey)in China
LI;Zheng-Ming YAO;En-Yun LIU;Tian-Lin LIU;Zi-Ping WANG;Su-Hua Elemento-Organic Chemistry Institute;Nankai University;Tianjin 300071ZHU;Hai-Qing ZHAO;Gang REN;Zi-Li Department of Biology;Nankai University;Tianjin 300071
Studies on the solid state reactions of coordination conpounds——XLⅤⅢ.The effect of KSCN on the thermal decomposition of cobalt(Ⅲ)-ammine complexes
ZHENG;Li-Min XIN;Xin-Quan Coordination Chemistry Institute;Nanjing University;Nanjing 210008 Part XLVⅡ of this series:Chin.J.Chem.;11;21
Studies on nitramide and its methyl derivatives with ab initio calculations——Ⅳ.The harmonic force field and vibrational spectra of dimethylnitramine and its isotopic derivatives
WANG;Wen-Ning FAN;Kang-Nian Department of Chemistry;Fadan University;Shanghai 200433LI;Yong-Fu XIAO;He-Ming Department of Chemistry;East China Institute of Technology;Nanjing 210014
Standard potential of the Ag-AgCl electrode and acidity constant of glycine at constant molality of NaCl in glucose-water mixed solvents from 278.15 to 318.15 K
WANG;Jie YANG;Jia-Zhen Department of Chemistry;Liaoning University;Shenyang 110036
Perfluoroalkylation of aromatics
HUANG;Wei-Yuan YING;Wei-Wen ZHANG;Han-Zhong LIU;Jin-Tao Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shanghai 200032
A facile pathway to 2-furfurylketones
LI;Nan-Sheng DENG;Min-Zhi Laboratory of Organometallic Chemistry;Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shanghai 200032HE;Wen-Kai Department of Chemistry;Shanghai University of Science and Technology;Shanghai 201800
Zinc transfer kinetics between Cd5Zn2-metallothionein and apo-carbonic anhydrase
HUANG;Zhong-Xian HU;Hong-Yu GU;Wei-Qiang SUN;Jian-Qun Department of Chemistry;Fudan University;Shanghai 200433
Theoretical studies on the substitution effect of fluorine on ethylene
LI;Qing-Ming FU;Xiao-Yuan Beijing Normal University;Beijing 100875ZHANG;Jing-Chang CAO;Wei-Liang Beijing Institute of Chemical Technology;Beijing 100031
The three-dimensional structure of trichosanthin refined at 2.7resolution
XIA;Zong-Xiang ZHANG;Lei ZHANG;Zhi-Ming Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shanghai 200032WU;Shen DONG;Yi-Cheng Institute of Biophysics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100101