Synthesis and crystal structure of [V2(μ-S2)2(S2CNEt2)4]·2CH3Cl
LEI;Xin-Jian JIANG;Fei-Long WU;Da-Xu HONG;Mao-Chun HUANG;Zhi-Ying LIU;Han-Qin Fuzhou Laboratory of Structural Chemistry and Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Fuzhou;Fujian 350002
Studies on electrical properties of system La2-x(Sr1-yCay)xNiO4
MENG;Jian REN;Yu-Fang PA;Ya-Nan Changehun Institute of Applied Chemistry;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Changchun 130022 Current address:Laboratory of Physics and Chemistry;Harbin Airplane Manufacture Corporation;Harbin 150066.