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Chinese Journal of Chemistry
1990 Issue 6
A study of differential potentiometric stripping analysis for lead and cadmium with Nafion coated carbon fibre electrode
DONG;Shao-Tun*;HE;Jun;WANG;Yu-Dong;Laboratory of Electroanalytical Chemistry;Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry;Academia Sinica;Changchun;130022
1H and 13C NMR studies of lanthanide complex with 5-sulfosalicylic acid
REN;Ji-Min;PEI;Feng-Kui*;WANG;Wen-Yun;Chanchun Institute of Applied Chemistry;Academia Sinica;Changchun 130022
Studies on sulfinatodehalogenation——XVIII. The reaction of perfluoroalkyl iodides with α-methylene cyclic ethers
HUANG;Wei-Yuan*;ZHANG;Han-Zhong;ZHUANG;Jin-Lian;Shanghai Instute of Organic Chemistry;Academia Sinica;Shanghai 200032
Investigation on the eigenvalue-equation problem of molecular crystals and polymers
YAN;Ji-Min;ZHANG;Qi-Yuan;Institute of Chemistry;Academia Sinica;Beijing 100080
Some reactions of 4-aryl-1 (2H)-phthalazinones
SOLIMAN;A.Y.*;BAKEER;H.M.;Department of Chemistry;Faculty of Education;Fayoum;EgyptSAYED;M.A.;Faculty of Science;Ain Shams University;Cairo;EgyptISLAM;I.;MOHAMED;A.A.;Faculty of Science;El-Azher University;Cairo;Egypt
Author Index to 1990
Diastereoselective alkylation of the (+)-ketopinic acid ketimine derived from benzylamine
DENG;Jin-Gen;HU;Wen-Hao;LIU;Gui-Lan;MI;Ai-Qiao;JIANG;Yao-Zhong*;Chengdu Institute of Organic Chemistry;Academia Sinica;Chengdu 610015
Perfluoroalkylation of aromatic compounds with perfluoroalkyl radical generated from the oxidation of sodium perfluoroalkanesulfinate
HUANG;Wei-Yuan*;XIE;Yuan;Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry;Academia Sinica;Shanghai 200032
studies on the alcohol exchange reactions of methoxide ditungsten [w iv ] compound w2cl4 och3 4 ch3oh 2, prepared from n-bu4n 3w2cl9 hong bo;jin, song-lin;yih-tong ku; gu, yi-dong , department of chemistry, fudan university, shanghai 200433che
HONG Bo;JIN;Song-Lin;Yih-Tong KU;;Department of Chemistry;Fudan University;Shanghai 200433 CHEN;Ming-QinCenter of Analyses and Measurements;Fudan University;Shanghai 200433
A description of nitrogen-nitrogen bond in terms of charge distributions
CAO;Wei-Liang*;Department of Applied Chemistry;Beijing Institute of Chemical Technology;Beijing 100013MARSHALL;T.C.;BADER;R.F.W.;Department of Chemistry;McMaster University;Hamilton Ont;Canada L8S 4M1
structural studies on rare earth carboxylates--i. studies on the crystal structure of tris neopentanoato -tris neopentanoic acid neodymium iii dimer, [nda3 ha 3]2
ZHANG;De-Long;HUANG;Chun-Hui*;XU;Guang-Xian;Research Center of Rare Earth Chemistry;Peking University 100871PAN;Zuo-Hua;Institute of Physical Chemistry;Peking University 100871
Asymmetric carbonyl addition with the homochiral ketimine derived from (+) or (-)-pinanone and benzylamine
MI;Ai-Qiao;CHEN;Yuan-Wei;WANG;Jing;YANG;Gui-Shu;JIANG;Yao-Zhong*;Chengdu Institute of Organic Chemistry;Academia Sinica;Chengdu 610015
Keyword Index to 1990