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Research in Ancient Chinese Language
2005 Issue 3
The Flaws of the Word Explanations of Zhouyi(周易) in Hanyu Da Cidian(汉语大词典)
man xiang zhao zhen-xing (institute of humanities; hunan jishou university; jishou 416000; china) (institute of humanities; hunan normal university; changsha 410081; china)
bu liang " yu ji lan "
song kai yu
A Comparison Between the Judgement Sentences of Shi(是)and Ci(此)in Remote Ages
xiao ya-man (chinese department; sichuan university; chengdu 610064; china)
The Interpretation of Junfu(均服)——Also a Discussion on Paronyms and Interchangeable Characters
feng liang-yun (institute of studies on ancient books; fudan university; shanghai 200093; china)
Etymological Studies on Jia(槚)and Gaolu(皋卢),the Early Words for Tea in Chinese
li jin-fang (linguistics department; central university of nationalities; beijing 100081; china)
Failure in Explaining Two Words in Jinpingmei Cihua(金瓶梅词话)
liu jing-lin (chinese department; anqing normal college; anqing 246003; china)
Discerning and Rectilying Phonetic Notation of Chinese Characters in Hanyu Da Zidian(汉语大字典)Quoted From Shuowen Jiezi(说文解字)
cai meng-qi (institute of humanities; hunan normal university; changsha 410081; china)
On“Qiqu(起去)"Structure in A Journey to the West(西游记)and Other Relevant Thoughts
xing fu-yi (institute of language studies; central china normal university; wuhan 430079; china)
Notes on the Pronunciation of Ba(爸)and Ma(妈)
wen mei-ji wen chang-yan (chinese department; east china normal university; shanghai 200062; china) (chinese department; jiaying college; meizhou 514015; china)
han yu xue bao jian jie
A Critical Analysis of "Phonological Revolve" Term System
wu ze-shun (institute of humanities; zhejiang normal university; jinhua 321004; china)
The Collation on The World of Inscriptions on Bronzes(金文の世界)of Shirakawa Shizumi(白川静)
dai bing (chinese department; zhongshan university; guangzhou 510275) china) (chinese department; wuyi university; jiangmen 529020; china)
xun shi ping hua ci yu kao shi san ze
chen li
A Research on the Quotations From Shi Jing(诗经)in Du Fu’s(杜甫)Poems
he shen-yi (basic courses department; shenzhen institute of information technology; shenzheng 518029; china)
Several Questions Which Should be Paid Attention to in Archaic Word Meaning Research——Also a Reply to Mr.Xu Zhi-ming’s(徐之明)Querying the Theory of Combinational Assimilation(“组合同化”说献疑)
zhang bo (center for studies of chinese as a second language; beijing language and culture university; beijing 100083; china)
To Remedy Some Flaws of Hanyu Da Cidian(汉语大词典)——On the Basis of Entry C in Xiandai Hanyu Cidian(现代汉语词典)
chai hong-mei (research center for history of chinese language; zhejiang university; hangzhou 310028; china)
On Appraising of Pictophonetic Characters and the Historical Changing of Their Phonetic Elements
huang yi-qing (literature and language college; beijing normal university; beijing 100875; china)
you " zi kao
huang jing yu
Examples of Collating Adverbs in the Han Dynasty’s(汉)Books
ge jia-cai (college of humanities; zhanjiang normal college; zhanjiang 524048; china)