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Journal of Computer Science and Technology
2013 Issue 2
Exact Computation of the Topology and Geometric Invariants of the Voronoi Diagram of Spheres in 3D
Franois Anton 1;Darka Mioc 1;and Marcelo Santos 2 1 Research Division of Geodesy;National Space Institute;Technical University of Denmark;Kongens Lyngby;Denmark 2 Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering;University of New Brunswick;Fredericton;New Brunswick;Canada
Optimal Feature Extraction Using Greedy Approach for Random Image Components and Subspace Approach in Face Recognition
Mathu Soothana S. Kumar Retna Swami 1 and Muneeswaran Karuppiah 2 1 Department of Information Technology;Noorul Islam University;Thuckalay 629180;India 2 Department of Computer Science and Engineering;Mepco Schlenk Engineering College;Sivakasi 626005;India
On 2-Site Voronoi Diagrams Under Geometric Distance Functions
Gill Barequet 1;Matthew Dickerson 2;David Eppstein 3;Fellow;ACM;David Hodorkovsky 4 and Kira Vyatkina 5;Member;ACM1 Department of Computer Science;Technion-Israel Institute of Technology;Haifa 32000;Israel 2 Department of Mathematics and Computer Science;Middlebury College;Middlebury 05753;U.S.A. 3 Department of Mathematics and Computer Science;University of California;Irvine 92717;U.S.A. 4 Department of Applied Mathematics;Technion-Israel Institute of Technology;Haifa 32000;Israel 5 Algorithmic Biology Laboratory;St. Petersburg Academic University;Russian Academy of Sciences;8/3 Khlopina St. St Petersburg 194021;Russia
Fast Smallest Lowest Common Ancestor Computation Based on Stable Match
Jun-Feng Zhou 1;3;Member;CCF;Guo-Xiang Lan 1;Zi-Yang Chen 1;Member;CCF and Xian Tang 2 1 School of Information Science and Engineering;Yanshan University;Qinhuangdao 066004;China 2 School of Economics and Management;Yanshan University;Qinhuangdao 066004;China 3 Key Laboratory for Computer Virtual Technology and System Integration of Hebei Province;Yanshan University Qinhuangdao 066004;China
SR-MAC: A Low Latency MAC Protocol for Multi-Packet Transmissions in Wireless Sensor Networks
Hong-Wei Tang 1 Jian-Nong Cao 2;Senior Member;CCF;IEEE;Member;ACM Xue-Feng Liu 2;and Cai-Xia Sun 1 1 School of Computer;National University of Defense Technology;Changsha 410073;China 2 Department of Computing;Hong Kong Polytechnic University;Kowloon;Hong Kong;China
Complete Boolean Satisfiability Solving Algorithms Based on Local Search
Wen-Sheng Guo 1;Member;CCF;ACM;Guo-Wu Yang 1;Member;CCF;ACM William N. N. Hung 2;Senior Member;IEEE;and Xiaoyu Song 3;Senior Member;IEEE1 School of Computer Science and Engineering;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Chengdu 611731;China 2 Synopsys Inc.;Mountain View;California 94043;U.S.A. 3 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering;Portland State University;Portland 97207;U.S.A.
Formal Reasoning About Finite-State Discrete-Time Markov Chains in HOL
Liya Liu;Student Member;IEEE;Osman Hasan;and Sofiène Tahar;Senior Member;ACM;IEEE Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering;Concordia University;Montreal;Canada
Fuzzy-Based Dynamic Distributed Queue Scheduling for Packet Switched Networks
Chollette C. Chude-Olisah 1;Uche A. K. Chude-Okonkwo 2;Member;IEEE Kamalrulnizam A. Bakar 1;Member;ACM;and Ghazali Sulong 1 1 Faculty of Computing;Universiti Teknologi Malaysia;Johor Bahru 81110;Malaysia 2 Wireless Communication Center;Universiti Teknologi Malaysia;Johor Bahru 81110;Malaysia
Parameter-Free Search of Time-Series Discord
Wei Luo 1;Marcus Gallagher 2;Member;IEEE;and Janet Wiles 2;Member;IEEE 1 School of Information Technology;Deakin University;Geelong;VIC 3220;Australia 2 School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering;University of Queensland;Brisbane;QLD 4072;Australia
On the Toggling-Branching Recurrence of Computability Logic
Mei-Xia Qu 1;2;Jun-Feng Luan 1 Da-Ming Zhu 1;;and Meng Du 2 1 School of Computer Science and Technology;Shandong University;Jinan 250101;China 2 School of Mechanical;Electrical and Information Engineering;Shandong University at Weihai;Weihai 264209;China
Query Intent Disambiguation of Keyword-Based Semantic Entity Search in Dataspaces
Dan Yang 1;2;Student Member;CCF;Member;ACM De-Rong Shen 1;;Senior Member;CCF;Member;ACM;IEEE Ge Yu 1;Senior Member;CCF;Member;ACM;IEEE;Yue Kou 1;Member;CCF;ACM and Tie-Zheng Nie 1;Member;CCF;ACM1 College of Information Science and Engineering;Northeastern University;Shenyang 110004;China 2 Software College;University of Science and Technology LiaoNing;Anshan 114044;China
Possibilistic Exponential Fuzzy Clustering
Kiatichai Treerattanapitak and Chuleerat Jaruskulchai Department of Computer Science;Kasetsart University;50 Ngamwongwan Rd.;Jatuchak;Bangkok;Thailand
A Taxonomy of Exact Methods for Partial Max-SAT
Mohamed El Bachir Menai and Tasniem Nasser Al-Yahya Department of Computer Science;College of Computer and Information Sciences;King Saud University;P.O.Box 51178 Riyadh 11543;Saudi Arabia
Optimal Relay Assignment and Power Allocation for Cooperative Communications
Kun Xie 1;Member;CCF;Jian-Nong Cao 2;Senior Member;CCF;IEEE;Member;ACM and Ji-Gang Wen 3 1 School of Information Science and Engineering;Hunan University;Changsha 410082;China 2 Department of Computing;Hong Kong Polytechnic University;Kowloon;Hong Kong;China 3 Institute of Computing Technology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China
Arabic Bank Check Processing: State of the Art
Irfan Ahmad and Sabri A. Mahmoud;Senior Member;IEEE Information and Computer Science Department;King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals;Dhahran 31261;Saudi Arabia
An Efficient and Spam-Robust Proximity Measure Between Communication Entities
Joo Hyuk Jeon 1;Jihwan Song 1;Jeong Eun Kwon 2;Yoon Joon Lee 1;Member;ACM;IEEE;Man Ho Park 3 and Myoung Ho Kim 1 1 Department of Computer Science;Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology;Daejeon 305-701;Korea 2 Biz Solution Team;SK Telecom Information Technology R&D Center;Seoul 100-999;Korea 3 Mobile Communication Convergence Research Team;Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute Daejeon 305-700;Korea