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Journal of Computer Science and Technology
2010 Issue 5
dice:an effective query result cache for distributed storage systems
Jun-Ki Min~1;Member;ACM;and Mi-Young Lee~2 1 School of Computer Science and Engineering;Korea University of Technology and Education;Byeongcheon-myeon Cheonan;Chungnam;330-708;Korea 2 Cloud Computing Research Department;Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute Daejeon 305-700;Korea
quasi delay-insensitive high speed two-phase protocol asynchronous wrapper for network on chips
Xu-Guang Guan Student Member;IEEE;Xing-Yuan Tong and Yin-Tang Yang Institute of Microelectronics;Xidian University;Xi'an 710071;China
explanation knowledge graph construction through causality extraction from texts
Chaveevan Pechsiri~1 and Rapepun Piriyakul~2 1 Department of Information Technology;Dhurakij Pundit University;Bangkok;Thailand 2 Department of Computer Science;Ramkumheang University;Bangkok;Thailand
hierarchical polytope artmap for supervised learning
Leonardo Liao Yong-Qiang Wu and Chong-Zhao Han 1 Southwest Research Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Technology;Chengdu 610041;China 2 College of Electronics and Information Engineering;Xi'an Jiaotong University;Xi'an 710049;China
multilevel optimization for large-scale hierarchical fpga placement
Hui Dai Qiang Zhou and Ji-Nian Bian EDA Lab;Department of Computer Science and Technology;Tsinghua University;Beijing 100084;China
a survey of dynamic software metrics
Jitender Kumar Chhabra and Varun Gupta Department of Computer Engineering;National Institute of Technology;Kurukshetra-136119;India
information for authors
degeneracy from twisted cubic under two views
Yi-Hong Wu Tian Lan and Zhan-Yi Hu National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition;Institute of Automation;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China
self-adaptive resource management for large-scale shared clusters
Yan Li;Feng-Hong Chen;Xi Sun;Ming-Hui Zhou~*;Member;CCFWen-Pin Jiao;Senior Member;CCF;Dong-Gang Caoand Hong Mei;Senior Member;CCFKey Laboratory of High Confidence Software Technologies;Ministry of Education;Institute of SoftwareSchool of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China
a generalization of haussler's convolution kernel mapping kernel and its application to tree kernels
Kilho Shin~ and Tetsuji Kuboyama~3 1 Graduate School of Applied Informatics;University of Hyogo;Kobe;Japan 2 Carnegie Mellon CyLab;Pittsburgh;U.S.A. 3 Computer Center;Gakushuin University;Tokyo;Japan
uncertain distance-based range queries over uncertain moving objects
Yi-Fei Chen Member;CCF;Xiao-Lin Qin Senior Member;CCF and Liang Liu Student Member;CCF 1 College of Information Science and Technology;Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Nanjing 210016;China 2 College of Information and Control;Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology;Nanjing 210044;China
qos-teos:qos guaranteed throughput-efficiency optimal distributed scheduling in wimax mesh networks
Da Teng Member;CCF;Shou-Bao Yang Senior Member;CCF Wei-Qing He Member;CCF;and Yun Hu Member;CCF School of Computer Science and Technology;University of Science and Technology of China;Hefei 230026;China
novel geometrical voxelization approach with application to streamlines
Hsien-Hsi Hsieh Chin-Chen Chang Wen-Kai Tai and Han-Wei Shen 1 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering;"National Dong Hwa University";Shou-Feng;Hualien 974 Taiwan;China 2 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering;"National United University";Miaoli 360;Taiwan;China 3 Department of Computer Science and Engineering;The Ohio State University;Columbus;Ohio 43210;U.S.A.
level-of-detail rendering of large-scale irregular volume datasets using particles
Takuma Kawamura~1;Naohisa Sakamoto~2;and Koji Koyamada~2;Member;IEEE 1 Graduate School of Engineering;Kyoto University;Kyoto 6068501;Japan 2 Center for the Promotion of Excellence in Higher Education;Kyoto University;Kyoto 6068501;Japan
volumetric vector-based representation for indirect illumination caching
Romain Pacanowski~1;Member;ACM;Xavier Granier~;Member;ACM;Christophe Schlick~2;and Pierre Poulin~4 1 CEA-CESTA;BP2 Le Barp;33114;France 2 INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest/LaBRI—Bordeaux University;Talence;33405;France 3 State Key Lab of CAD&CG;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou 310027;China 4 LIGUM;Dept.I.R.O.;Universite de Montreal;Montreal QC;H3C 3J7;Canada
erfc:an enhanced recursive flow classification algorithm
Xiang-Yang Gong Wen-Dong Wang Senior Member;CCF;and Shi-Duan Cheng State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology;Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Beijing 100876;China
unsupervised wsd by finding the predominant sense using context as a dynamic thesaurus
Javier Tejada-Carcamo~1;Hiram Calvo~;Alexander Gelbukh~2;and Kazuo Hara~3 1 San Pablo Catholic University;Arequipa;Peru 2 Center for Computing Research;National Polytechnic Institute;Mexico City;07738;Mexico 3 Nara Institute of Science and Technology;Takayama;Ikoma;Nara 630-0192;Japan
building reusable remote labs with adaptable client user-interfaces
Salaheddin Odeh;Member;ACM Department of Computer Engineering;Al-Quds University;Jerusalem;Palestine