higher-order level-set method and its application in biomolecular surfaces construction
Chandrajit L. Bajaj1;Guo-Liang Xu2;and Qin Zhang2;3 1CVC;Department of Computer Science;Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences University of Texas at Austin;TX 78712;U.S.A. 2LSEC;Institute of Computational Mathematics;Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China 3School of Sciences;Beijing Information Science and Technology University;Beijing 100192;China
scoped bellman-ford geographic routing for large dynamic wireless sensor networks
Xue Zhang1;3;Jue Hong1;Sang-Lu Lu1;Li Xie1 and Jian-Nong Cao21State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology;Department of Computer Science and Technology;Nanjing University Nanjing 210093;China 2Department of Computing;Hong Kong Polytechnic University;Hong Kong;China 3Department of Electrical Engineering;College of Engineering;Nanjing Agricultural University;Nanjing 210031;China
an access control framework for reflective middleware
Gang Huang and Lian-Shan Sun Key Laboratory of High Confidence Software Technologies;Ministry of Education;Beijing 100871;China School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China
synthesizing service composition models on the basis of temporal business rules
Jian Yu1;2;Yan-Bo Han3;Jun Han4;Yan Jin4;Paolo Falcarin1 and Maurizio Morisio1 1Department of Automation and Information;Politecnico di Torino;Torino 10129;Italy 2School of Computer Science;The University of Adelaide;SA5005;Australia 3Grid and Service Computing Research Center;Institute of Computing Technology;Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100190;China 4Faculty of ICT;Swinburne University of Technology;Hawthorn 3122;Australia