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Journal of Computer Science and Technology
2001 Issue 2
Evolving Information Filtering for Personalized Information Service
TIAN Fanjiang ; LI Congrong and WANG Dingxing
Pattern Matching Compilation of Functions Defined in Context-Free Languages
CHEN Haiming and DONG Yunmei
An Intuitive Formal Proof for Deadline Driven Scheduler
ZHAN Naijun
robot self-location by line correspondences
HU Zhanyi; LEI Cheng and TSUI Hung Tat (National Labomtory of Pattern Recognitions Institute of Automation The Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100080; P.R. China; Department of Electronic Engineering; The Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong; P
leaf movement simulation
FENG Jinhui; Chen Yanyun; YAN Tao and WU Enhua
two online algorithms for the ambulance systems
SUI Yuefei
Efficient Mining of Association Rules by Reducing the Number of Passes over the Database
LI Qinszhong; WANG Haiyang; YAN Zhongmin and MA Shaohan
AHBP: An Efficient Broadcast Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
PENG Wei and LU Xicheng