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Oil Geophysical Prospecting
2012 Issue 5
xin shu jie shao
An improved method for P-P and P-SV wave time matching
Gong Xueping1;2;Chen Shuangquan1;2 and Li Xiangyang1;2.1.State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resource and Prospecting;China University of Petroleum;Beijing 102249;China2.CNPC Key Laboratory of Geophysical Prospecting;China University of Petroleum;Beijing 102249;Chin
Sedimentary sequences in Haian Depression and control on reservoir of the Paleocene
Ran Huaijiang1;Si Baoling2;Cheng Fanghong2 and Fan Leyuan1.1.Geoscience Center;Great Wall Drilling Company;CNPC;Beijing 100101;China2.Beijing China Petroleum Technology company Ltd;Beijing 100083;Chin
A method for S-wave velocity estimation based on equivalent elastic modulus inversion
Xiong Xiaojun1;Lin Kai1 and He Zhenhua1.1.Key Lab of Earth Exploration & Information Techniques of Ministry of Education;Chengdu University of Technology;Chengdu;Sichuan 610059;Chin
Seismic curvature calculation based on Huber norm
Li Xin1;2;Wang Zhenli1;2;Chen Yuhong2;3 and Duan Qiuliang1.1.Institute of Geology and Geophysics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100029;China2.Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resource Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100029;China3.Oil and Gas Resource Research Center;Institute of Geology and Geophysics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Lanzhou;Gansu 730000;Chin
Boundary detection and interpretation by magnetic gradient tensor data
Ma Guoqing1;Li Lili1 and Du Xiaojuan1.1.College of Geoexploration Science and Technology;Jilin University;Changchun;Jilin 130021;Chin
Seismic attribute reduction based on covering rough set and its applications
Liu Hongjie1;Lou Bing1;Liu Taoping2 and Wei Jianjie3.1.Geophysical Research Institute;Research Institute of Exploration and Development;Xinjiang Oilfield Company;PetroChina;Urumqi;Xinjiang 830013;China2.College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering;Central South University;Changsha;Hunan 410012;China3.School of Electronics and Information Engineering;Xi’an Jiaotong University;Xi’an;Shaanxi 710049;Chin
Joint inversion of gravity,magnetic and seismic data of the South Yellow Sea Basin
Hou Fanghui1;2;Tian Zhenxing2;Zhang Xunhua2;Zhang Zhixun2 and Li Sanzhong1.1.Ocean University of China;Qingdao;Shandong 266003;China2.Key Laboratory of Marine Hydrocarbon Resource and Geology;Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology;Qingdao;Shandong 266071;Chin
Application of reservoir dynamics data in seismic identification and evaluation of minor faults
Wang Xuejun1;Wei Xiaodong1;Wang Zhaofeng1;Yu Ziliang2 and Pan Xiaolu1.1.GRI;BGP Inc.;CNPC;Zhuozhou;Hebei 072751;China2.State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safe Mining;China University of Mining and Technology;Beijing 100083;Chin
Seismic wavefield separation and denoising for P-P wave and P-S wave by singular value decomposition(SVD)
Shen Hongyan1;2 and Li Qingchun3.1.School of Earth Sciences and Engineering;Xi’an Shiyou University;Xi’an;Shaanxi 710065;China2.Key Laboratory of Tectonics and Petroleum Resources of Ministry of Education;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan;Hubei 430074;China3.College of Geology Engineering and Geometrics;Chang’an University;Xi’an;Shaanxi 710054;Chin
High precision seismic time-frequency spectrum decomposition method and its application
Huang Handong1;2;Guo Fei1;Wang Jiabei1 and Ren Dunzhan3.1.State Key Lab of Petroleum Resource and Prospecting;China University of Petroleum;Beijing 102249;China2.Institute of Enhancing Oil Recovery;China University of Petroleum;Beijing 102249;China3.BGP Inc.Ltd.;Zhuozhou;Hebei 072751;Chin
The seismic multi-attribute clustering method based on quantum Monte Carlo method
Wei Chao1;Zheng Xiaodong1;Li Jinsong1 and Li Meng1.1.Geophysical Department;Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development;PetroChina;Beijing 100083;Chin
P-wave attenuation by fracture parameter on physical models
Yin Zhiheng1;2;Di Bangrang1;Wei Jianxin1;Zhang Zheng1;Zhang Sihai1 and Wu Mansheng1.1.CNPC Key Laboratory of Geophysical Exploration;China University of Petroleum;Beijing 102249;China 2.Sinopec International Petroleum Service Corporation;Beijing 100029;Chin
Gas reservoir detection based on local frequency attributes
Chen Shuangquan1;2 and Li Xiangyang1;2.1.State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources and Prospecting;China University of Petroleum;Beijing 102249;China2.CNPC Key Laboratory of Geophysical Prospecting;China University of Petroleum;Beijing 102249;Chin
Hydrocarbon recognition based on spectrum absorption characteristics of reservoir.
Diao Rui1 and Feng Yuping2.1.Geophysical Research Institute;Shengli Oil Field Branch;Sinopec;Dongying;Shandong 257022;China2.Geophysical Exploration & Development Corporation;Shengli Oil Field Branch;Sinopec;Dongying;Shandong 257086;Chin
Estimation of stratigraphic absorption parameter based on center frequency method
Wei Wen1;Li Hongmei1;Mu Yuqing2;Wang Shugang1 and Wang Hong1.1.Geophysical Research Institute;Shengli Oilfield Company;Sinopec;Dongying;Shandong 257022;China2.Western New Zone Prospect Research Center;Shengli Oilfield Company;Sinopec;Dongying;Shandong 257022;Chin
Hydrocarbon pooling characteristics and pooling patterns in the south fault belt,West Pearl River Mouth Basin
Zhang Yingzhao1;2.1.School of Resources;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan;Hubei 430074;China2.Research Institute of Zhanjiang Branch;CNOOC;Zhanjiang;Guangdong 524057;Chin
Applications of converted-wave anisotropic prestack time migration in LMD area
Zhang Liyan1;Li Ang1;Pei Jiangyun1 and Song Zongping2.1.Exploration and Development Research Institute;Daqing Oilfield Company Ltd;PetroChina;Daqing;Heilongjiang 163712;China2.Exploration Business of Daqing Oilfield Company Ltd;PetroChina;Daqing;Heilongjiang 163453;Chin
A shear velocity estimation method for carbonate rocks based on the improved Xu-White model
Zhang Guangzhi1;Li Chengcheng2;Yin Xingyao1 and Zhang Jinqiang3.1.School of Geosciences;China University of Petroleum;Qingdao;Shandong 266555;China2.Geophysical Research Institute;Sinopec;Nanjing;Jiangsu 210014;China3.Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Production;Sinopec;Beijing 100083;Chin
Prestack reverse time migration on GPU/CPU co-parallel computation
Liu Wenqing1;2;Wang Yuchao2;Yong Xueshan2;Wang Xiao2;Shao Xichun2;Gao Houqiang2 and Liu Qiuliang2.1.Chengdu University of Technology;Chengdu;Sichuan 610059;China2.Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development Branch Northwest;PetroChina;Lanzhou;Gansu 730020;Chin
Three dimensional cone filtering
Wang Jinlong1;2 and Hu Zhiquan1;2.1.Deyang Branch;E & P Research Institute SWPB;Sinopec;Deyang;Sichuan 618000;China2.Sinopec Key Laboratory of Multi-components Seismic Technology;Deyang;Sichuan 618000;Chin
Pseudo-acoustic log construction based on information fusion from probabilistic neural networks
Liu lihong1;Peng Zhenming1;Huang Dongshan2;Li Quanzhong1 and Tao Tao1.1.School of Opto-electronic Information;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;Chengdu;Sichuan 610054;China2.CNPC Sichuan Petroleum Geophysical Prospecting Company;Chengdu;Sichuan 610213;Chin