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Oil Geophysical Prospecting
2008 Issue s2
Analysis of noise in vibroseis.
wei tie;
3D VSP acquisition method in Keng-71 well-zone and effect.
liu meili;
Evaluating method of vibriseis operation efficiency.
zhou datong;
Spatial sampling density and data quality analysis in Yongxin area.
zhang zhilin;
Near-surface correction method in Yongxin area.
zhang haixian;
Slide-sweeping acquisition method of vibroseis and application.
wei guowei;
Briefly analyzing relationship between folds and S/N ratio
mo yangang;
mao zhonghua;
Influence of attenuation by absorption on seismic resolution.
zhou faxiang;
Overlapping technique of single-point digital geophone.
yang zhaohai;
Application of high-efficient vigroseis acquisition technique in Libya.
wang changhui;
QC technique of seismic acquisition by vibroseis.
zhang hongmeng;
FTP real-time QC technique.
liang xiaofeng;
Information-sharing platform in seismic acquisition operation.
zhou heng;
Application of 3D prestack depth migration technique in African A area.
zhang hongjun;
Analysis of AVO processing effect in Kazakhstan ZAYSAN area.
li laiyun;
Study on structural feature of south Turgay basin, Kazakhstan.
sun tiejun;
Complex fault interpretation technique in South Turoay basin, Kazakhstan.
zhang hongbin;
Reservoir prediction in African D area.
ding xueyin;
Newly probing of method for 2D seismic data closure.
shen kefei;
Study on 3D converted wave data processing method and application.
bi lifei;
Study on converted wave (C-wave) processing method.
wang shurong;
Wavelet phase correction and analysis of effect.
wang jun;
3D-3C seismic data processing technique.
tan zhenghua;
Offshore seismic data processing effect in Red Sea area.
yang yong;
Improvement of seismic acquisition technique in BGP American area.
nie weihua;
Seismic acquisition technology in Pakistan complicated surface area.
shi jicheng;