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Oil Geophysical Prospecting
2006 Issue 3
Application of cased-hole logging technique in complex structural well.
wang he-lin; beach exploration and development co. ; dagang oilfield; tianjing city; 300280; china
Application of secondary positioning technique.
feng kai; department of international exploration; bgp; cnpc; zhuozhou city; hebei province; 072751; china
Identified effects of Jurassic subtle traps in Junggar basin.
yu peng; geophysical research center; shengli oilfield; dongying city; shandong province; 257002; china peng yong-min and song chuan-chun.
Analysis of Tertiary sequence-stratigraphic framework and genesis in east Liaohe sag.
yuan jing-ju; oversea center of petroleum exploration and development institute; sinopec; no. 31; xueyuan road; haidian district; beijing city; 100083; china chen ming; he xiao-song and ma wei.
Application of K-L transform in analysis of AVO crossplot.
zhu qiu-ying; langfang division of china petroleum exploration and development institute; lang-fang city; hebei province; 065007; china lin hong-lin; wu qing-ling; li yan-ling and zhang xue-juan.
Interpolation of poststack seismic traces based on sparse discreteτ-p transform.
zhang hong-mei; key laboratory of oil/gas resource; geologic and geophysical institute; chinese academy of science; beijing city; 100029; china liu hong.
Integrative inversion and description of gas-bearing reservoir with low porosity and permeability in north Ordos basin.
wang xin; project management department; shengli oilfield ltd. co. ; dongying city; shandong province; 275015; china
Application of interval-velocity-replaced field-building method in high steep structural region.
wen sheng-ming; sub-division of gri; p. o. box 302; korla city; xinjiang uygur autonomous region; 841001; china yang de-xing; wang gui-zhong; wang zhi-yong and liu yong-lei.
Prestack time migration processing technique and application.
cao meng-qi; gri; bgp; zhuozhou city; hebei province; 072751; china liu zhan-zu.
Velocity-field-built method of attributes models.
wan zhong-hong; geophysical technique research center; bgp; zhuozhou city; hebei province; 072751; china yan yu-kui; zhan shi-fan and wang en-hua.
Interpretation method of subsalt structures in significant thickness of salt beds, east merging of littoral Caspian Sea basin.
dai shuang-he; geologic research center; gri; bgp; zhuozhou city; hebei province; 072751; china gao jun; zang dian-guang and liu wen-li.
Prestack elastic wave impedance inversion technique and application.
cao meng-qi; gri; bgp; zhuozhou city; hebei province; 072751; china wang jiu-shuan and shao lin-hai.
Using hybrid algorithm (TSGA) of TS and GA for computation of residual statics.
li hui-feng; geologic surveying division; henan oilfield; nanyang city; henan province; 473132; china deng fei and zhou xi-xiang.
Computation of AVO intercept and gradient by robust estimation algorithm.
zhang kui; geophysical technique research center; bgp; zhuozhou city; hebei province; 072751; china xu guang-min and ni yi.
Application of Adaptive Order Statistic Filtering in Seismic Data Processing
chen zhong-wei; zhejiang wanli college; ningbo city; zhejiang province; 315100; china yao de-zhong .
Numeric simulation of acoustic equation on relief surface.
huang zi-ping; department of applied math; tongji university; no. 1239; siping road; shanghai city; 200092; china xu ling-li and zhou ji-shun.
Using spectrum decomposition technique for prediction of thin reservoir.
xu li-ying; institute of exploration and development; liaohe oilfield division of cnpc; xinglongtai district; panjin city; liaoning province; 124010; china xu ming-jie and chen zhen-yan.
Seismic acquisition in deep levels of Liaohe depression.
bi jian-guo; institute of exploration and development; liaohe oilfield division of cnpc; xin-glongtai district; panjin city; liaoning province; 124010; china wang liang-shu and liang shao-bo.
Forward modeling seismic response of water body in extra-shallow sea.
xiong jin-liang; dagang oilfield co. ; tianjing city; 300280; china liu yang; yue ying and xue guang-jian.
A new mixed phase deconvelotion method.
yi zhen-lin; key geophysical lab of cnpc; college of resource and information; china university of petroleum; changping district; beijing city; 102249; china wang run-qiu.
Analysis of aspects in mistaken use of vibroseis technique.
cao wu-xiang; department of acquisition technique support; bgp; cnpc; zhuozhou city; he-bei province; 072751; china
Study on shooting parameters of seismic acquisition in Kulongshan mountainous area.
zhang duo-rong; qinghai geophysical technique support center; qilizhen town; dunhuang city; gansu province; 736202; china zhang jun-hua; an yan-yan; jiang yong-xiang and lu wen-zhi.
Precious simulation of seismic illumination based on acquired targets.
l gong-he; geophysical exploration and development cooperation; shengli oilfield; niuzhuang town; dongying city; shandong province; 257100; china yin cheng; zhou xing-he and xu feng.
Multiple-eliminated technique based on Curvelet transform.
zhang su-fang; college of geophysics and space information; china university of geology; wuhan city; hubei province; 430074; china xu yi-xian and lei dong.