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Journal of Xinjiang University(Philosophy;Humanities & Social Sciences)
2016 Issue 1
The Measurement of Xinjiang Regional Economic Development Imbalance Under the Background of“the Silk Road Economic Belt”
QIN Fang-ming;JIAO Yin-xue;Collage of Economics and Management;Xinjiang University;
The Spatial Differences of Urban Industrial Structure in the Five Northwestern Provinces in China
REN Hai-jun;ZHANG Hu-ping;Center for Silk Road Economic Belt Research;Lanzhou University;School of Economics;Lanzhou University;
Risks of Economic“Marginalization”of Xinjiang in Silk Road Economic Belt Development
LI Yu-xin;SUN Pei-lei;School of Economics and Management;Shihezi University;
Risk Sources Model of Agri-product Supply Chain Based on Internet of Things
CAO Hui-juan;WANG Wei-zhong;ZHU Li-long;School of Management;Anhui University of Science and Technology;
The Audit Mode of E-government Cloud Security Based on the Process
LIU Guo-cheng;School of Auditing and Accounting;Nanjing Audit University;Jiangsu key laboratory of financial engineering;
On the Time-Varying Wealth Effect on the Bond Market in China——A TVP-SV-VAR Model Analysis
ZHOU De-cai;ZHANG Hui;JIANG Yun;HE Yi-qing;College of Economics and Management;Nanchang University;
Education Investment and Economic Development in Xinjiang in the Context of the Silk Road Economic Belt Development
WANG Ya-nan;SUN Hui;HE Zhao-li;Center for Innovation Management Research;Xinjiang University;College of Economics and Management;Xinjiang University;
How Justice May Be——On Rawls’ People in the Original State of
PENG Ning;School of Law;Peking University;
Legal Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Domestic Violence
HAO Jia;School of Civil and Commercial Law;Northwest University of Politics and Law;
Facilitating the Trade between Kazakhstan and Xinjiang
SUN Jing-bing;DU Mei;College of Economics and Management;Xinjiang University;
Comments on the Legal System of International Commercial Arbitration in Kazakhstan
LAI Chen-ye;Xinjiang Academy of Police;
The Jimi Strategy in Western Region during Emperor Zhao Xuan’Reign in the Han Dynasty
Hu Yan-tao;XU Wei-min;YAO Ke-zhen;Northwest Institute of History;Northwestern University;Heritage College;Northwestern University;School of Animal Medicine;Northwest University of Agriculture and Forestry;
School Education Opened by Uyghur Nobility in the end of the Qing Dynasty
Rehmutula Aishan;Center for Northwest Ethnic Minority Research;Xinjiang University;
On Shigui’s Adoption and Reform of Canglang Poem Collection
ZHENG Kai-ge;School of Chinese Language and Literature;Central China Normal University;
The Visual Metaphors in Chinese Classical Literary Theory——Carving a Dragon at the Core of Literature as Example
PENG Ying-long;College of Media and International Culture;Zhejiang University;
“The Beauty of the Weak Morality”—— on the Cultural Meaning of Qinguan Ci(Poem)
ZHAO Ya-juan;Collage of Liberal Art;Wuhan University;
Errors in "Epitaphs of the Tang Dynasty" with Reference to Complete Prose Works of the Tang Dynasty
MA Li-jun;School of Culture and Communication;Shaanxi University of Science and Technology;
The Reconstruction Mechanism of Verb-complement Structure in Chinese
QIU Feng;School of Literature;Shangqiu Teachers College;
“Benlai”Counterfactual Sentence and Modal Verbs
ZHANG Min;Center for Language and Cognition Studies;Center for Studies of the History of the Chinese Language;Zhejiang University;
The Grammaticalization of“VC-le”in Chinese Dialects
WANG Zi-wan;Department of Police Administration;Henan Police Academy;
The Value of Wang Fanzhi’s Poems in Chinese Lexical History
CAO Xiang;Department of Humanities;Taizhou College;
A Critique of the Emendation in Shuo Wen Gu Ben Kao
TAO Sheng-kui;The School of Language and Literature;Beijing Normal University;Department of of the Chinese Language;Weinan Teachers College;