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Journal of Xinjiang University(Philosophy;Humanities & Social Sciences)
2015 Issue 1
The Construction of "Core Area" in the Silk Road Economic Belt in Relation to International Oil Price Decline,Ruble Devaluation and the ’New Normal’ Economy
DENG Yu-jia;QIN Fang-ming;College of Economics and Management;Xinjiang University;
Household Characteristics,Village Characteristics and Rural Dynamic Poverty in Xinjiang
LI Cui-jin;LI Wan-ming;School of International Trade and Economics;University of International Business and Economics;School of Economics and Management;Shihezi University;
Urban-rural Income Equality Effect in the Process of Urbanization:Evidence from Panel Data of Cities
SUN Hua-chen;WANG An;LIU Qi-chen;Applied Economics Postdoctoral Mobile Station;Shandong University;Shandong Macroeconomic Research Institute;Shandong Experimental High School;
The Demand Forecast and the Effect of Setting up Public Welfare Post——Urumqi as an Example
ZHOU Yong-hua;SU Yong-jie;LIU Yan;School of Politics and Public Management;Xinjiang University;
The Connotations and Significance of Clean Cultural Construction in Higher Education
DAI Yue-bo;XU Yu-sheng;CPC Organizational Department;Jiangnan University;
On the Evolution of CPC’s Thought on Morality Education
YOU Yu-jun;Yangzhou University;
On the Crew’s Criminal Responsibility in the Maritime Pollution Incidents
XIA Hong-qiang;LV Rui;Law School;Nanjing University;Xinjiang Arts University;
On the Impact of Citizen’s Legal Consciousness on Dispute Settlement Strategy Choice
XU Sheng-ping;Law School;Beijing Normal University;
On the Fragments of Vajracchedikasutra Newly Discovered in Bezklik Grottoes
PENG Jie;Research Institute of Dunhuangology;Lanzhou University;Center of Conservation of Xinjiang Cultural Heritage;
Turpan Tusalaqci in the late Qing Dynasty
WANG Qim-ing;Institute of West China Border Research;Shanxi Normal University;
Cave 114 in Kizil and Fotu Shemi
MAN Ying-ying;School of Design;Jiangnan University;
The Inheritance and Changes of the Kazak Food Culture in Xinjiang
ZHU Yuan-lai;CAO Sheng-long;College of Law and Politics;Ili Normal College;Center for Ethnic Minority Research in Northwest China;
An Investigation of the Life Quality of Urban Urumqi Residents
YE Ping;Department of Sociology;Wuhan University;School of Politics and Public Administration;Xinjiang University;
The Development and Influences of Islamic Extremism in Recent Kyrgyzstan
Zemina Yilham;College of Politics and Public Administration;Xinjiang University;
The "Trilingual Policy" in Kazakhstan
TIAN Cheng-peng;Hailiguli Niyazi;College of Foreign Languages;Xinjiang University;International Cultural Exchange College;Xinjiang University;
An Analysis of Afghanistan Presidential Election in 2014
LI Shi-jun;HAN jun;College of Politics and Public Management;Xinjiang University;
American Strategy of ’New Silk Road’
Yesir;Institute of Central Asian Studies;Xinjiang Academy of Social Sciences;
An Analysis of the Characteristics and Trend in the Present Central Asian Security
JIA Guo-dong;ZHANG Wei-wei;FANG Zhi-tao;College of Marxism;Research Center for Central Asian Geopolitics;Xinjiang University;College of Politics and Public Management;Research Center for Central Asian Geopolitics;Xinjiang University;
"The Unknown Energy" in Critical Discourse
WANG Bing-bing;School of Humanities;Zhejiang Normal University;
On Lu Shuyuan’s Literary Cross-Border Research
LI Jin-lai;School of Literature and Journalism;Sichuan University;
The Two Modes and Complementariness in Chinese Garden Aesthetics——Reflections on Chen Congzhou Garden Aesthetics Theory
GONG Tian-yan;CHENG Xiang-zhan;School of Literature and Journalism;Shandong University;
The Influence of language and Culture in the North on the Yuan Songs in the Yuan Dynasty
HAO Qing-yun;WU Qiu-li;College of Liberal Arts;Inner Mongolia National University;
A Feminist Analysis of the Image of Shoe In Eileen Chang’s Novels
XU Lin-zhou;CHEN Xiao-ming;Language and Literature Department;Peking University;
Authority,Monitoring and Free——A Foucault-Style Interpretation of 《Mr. Bis Voss’ s house》
QI Xue-yan;College of Literature;Nanjing University;
The Phonology and the Evolution of Qitai Speech
ZENG Ti;School of Literature and Journalism;Shandong University;
Language Use by Uyghur Residents in Urbanization
Rezwan Awamuslin;College of Humanities;Xinjiang University;College of Language;Xinjiang Normal University;
The Acquisition of English Relative Clause by Uyghur College Students
WEI Ya-li;PENG Jin-ding;School of Foreign languages;Central South University;College of Language and Culture;Xinjiang Medical University;
A Correlation Study Between the Family Nurturing and Pre-School Readiness of Ethnic Minority Children in Xinjiang
GUO Xuan;GAI Xiao-Song;Research Center of Child Development;Faculty of Education;Northeast Normal University;
The Current Situation of Ethnic Minority Preschool Bilingual Teacher Training——Kashi as an Example
LI Qian;Pre-School Education Department;Xinjiang Junior Teacher College;
On the Training of Ethnic Minority Bilingual Music Teachers in Xinjiang
SI Wen;Xinjiang Children Development and Education Research Center;Xinjiang Normal University;