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Journal of Inner Mongolia University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
2001 Issue 4
The Young Engels′ Changes in Religious Thinking
li shi ju; oyuna (1. school of law; politics and manageology; hebei normal university; shijiazhuang 050091; china; 2. faculty of humanities; inner mongolia university; huhhot 010021; china)
A Study on the Income Polarization of Population During Social Transformation in Contemporary China and Relevant Countermeasures
jia bao lin(teaching and researching division of marxism and leninism; inner mongolia university; huhhot 010021; china)
Utilize Market Mechanism to Solve Difficult Problems in Environmental Protection
teng you zheng 1; meng hui jun 1; liou zhong ling 2 (1. faculty of economics and management; inner mongolia university; huhhot 010021; china 2. college of life science; inner mongolia university; huhhot 010021; china)
Conflicts Between Population and Catholic Church in Suiyuan Area in Modern Times——Also Explaining the Reasons that the boxer Movement breaks out
niu jing zhong\(faculty of humanities; inner mongolia university; huhhot 010021; china)
Problems Cencerning Literary History Teaching and Literary History Theory
wen pan ya (yancheng teachers college; yancheng 224002; china)
Unremitting Exploration——Comments on Hu Zhongda′s Essays on History
yan shao xiang; zhen xiu yu (1.department of history; wuhan university; wuhan 430072; china; 2.faculty of humanities; inner mongolia university; huhhot 010021; china)
Reflections on Legal Protection of Gene Technology in China
cheng xiao qing(law school; inner mongolia university; huhhot 010021; china)
To Be Scientific and Standard Is the Life of a History Textbook——Errors to Be Corrected in Ancient & Medieval World History,Higher Education Press Edition
yuan yi bo(faculty of humanities; inner mongolia university; huhhot 010021; china)
Categories of Kinsfolk and Their Withdrawal as Judges
zhang li xin (law school; inner mongolia university; huhhot 010021; china)
China and Russia:A Comparative Study of Their Policies Towards European Union
wei you su (college of marxism education; nankai; university; tianjing 300000)
A Study of Problems Concerning Supervisory Control Within State-owned Enterprise
zhao li fang(finnance college of inner mongolia; huhhot 010051; china)
Contemporary China:Its Social Transformation and Civil Participation
zhang bin(teaching and researching division of marxism and leninism; inner mongolia university; huhhot 010021; china)
A Political Analysis of the Changes in British Policy for Relieving the Poor
cong zhi jie (teaching and researching division of marxism and leninism; inner mongolia university; huhhot 010021; china)
The CPC Leading Collective of the Third Generation Closely Follows and Develops Deng Xiaoping′s Theory of Inter-Party Relationship
liu ai hua (teaching and researching division of marxism and leninism; inner mongolia university; huhhot 010021; china)
Social Transformation and Public Policies
ren weide\(teaching and researching division of marxism and lenimism; inner mongolia university; huhhot 010021; china)
Understand the Profound Meaning of the CPC Being"Representative in Three Domains
ulanbagan(continuing education college; inner mongolia normal university; huhhot 010022; china)
A Discussion on Kong Yingda′s Achievements in Document Annotation
wang shao dong(faculty of humanities; inner mongolia university; huhhot 010021; china)
The Theory of Limitation and Counter-limitation for Copyright and Its Social Basis
ban xiu ping(department of basic courses; capital physical education college; beijing 100088; china)
A Brief Duscussion on Body Language and Its Application
cui ai yong\foreign language; college; inner mongolia university; huhhot; 010021; china)
Modern Government and Governmental Personnel
liang yanju (teaching and researching division of marxism and leninism; inner mongolia university; huhhot 010021; china)
The CPC Leading Collective of the Third Generation:Its Theoretic Contribution to Religious Problems
law school; central university for nationalities; beijing 100081; china)
In CPC History,A Vivid and Lively Political Situation More Than Once Emerged and Disappeared
sun kai min (teaching and researching division of marxism and leninism; inner mongolia university; huhhot 010021; china)