SSR Analysis of Genetic Diversity of 67 Accessions in Eriobotrya
CHEN Zhi;CHEN Zhi-you;LONG Zhi-jian;HAN Guo-hui;DANG Jiang-bo;WANG Ying;WANG Wei-xing;LI Xiao-lin;SUN Hai-yan;LIANG Guo-lu;XIANG Su-qiong;School of Horticultural and Landscape Architecture;Southwest University;College of Life Science and Engineering;Southwest University of Science and Technology;Fruit Research Institute;Chongqing Academy of Agriculture Science;
An Explicit Counterexample to the Shephard Problem in the Euclidean Plane
LI Ze-qing;LUO Miao;ZENG Chun-na;XU Wen-xue;School of Mathematics and Computer Science;Bijie Normal University;School of Mathematics and Computer Science;Guizhou Normal University;College of Mathematical Science;Chongqing Normal University;School of Mathematics and Statistics;Southwest University;