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Journal of Southwest Agricultural University
2012 Issue 12
Effects of Foliar Fertilizer Application on the Interior Quality of Tarocco Blood Orange
WANG Wu;YIN Xu-min;HU Jia-yu; CHENG Yue-qing;CHEN Xia;XIE Yong-hong Chongqing Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Chongqing 402260;China
Sun-Bathing Habitat Selection by Goledn Pheasants in Damu Mountains Nature Reserve,China
LI Hong-qun1;2;HAN Zong-xian2;WU Shao-bin2; CAO Chang-lei2;RAN Jing-sheng2;CHEN Chun2;YUE Bi-song1 1.College of Life Science;Sichuan University;Chengdu 610064;China;2.College of Science and Technology;Yangtze Normal University;Fuling Chongqing 408100;China
The Influence of Cognitive Expectation on Deviant Distraction and Post-Deviant Distraction in Pure Auditory Task
LI Bi-qin1;2;PARMENTIER Fabrice B.R.3;4; ZHANG Ming1;HU Yan-mei1 1.School of Psychology;Northeast Normal University;Changchun 130024;China;2.Department of Psychology;Guizhou Normal University;Guiyang 550001;China;3.Department of Psychology;University of the Balearic Islands;Palma 07122;Spain;4.Department of Psychology;University of Western Australia;Perth 6009;Australia
Study on the Multi-leavedness of Amorphophallus konjac K. Koch Induced by Plant Growth Substances
LIU Hai-li;NIU Yi;SHI Xin-long; JIANG Xue-kuan;WANG Qi-jun;ZHANG Sheng-lin Key Laboratory of Horticulture Science for Southern Mountainous Regions;Konjac Resource Utilization Engineering Research Center in Chongqing Colleges and Universities;School of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture;Southwest University;Chongqing 400716;China
Construction of Ecological Quality Monitoring,Evaluation,and Ecological Security Early Warning System for Chongqing City
SUN Fan;ZHAO Jing-ming;ZHANG Fu-hua; MA Sheng-li;ZHANG Lui 1.Key Laboratory of Eco-environments in Three Gorges Reservoir Region;Chongqing 400715;China;2.Faculty of Resources and Environment;Southwest University;Chongqing 400715;China
Generic Cone Continuity Properties of Cone Upper(Lower) Semi-Continuous Maps
XIA Shun-you1;XU De-ping2 1.Department of Mathematics and Computer;Guizhou Normal College;Guiyang 550018;China;2.College of Information Management;Chengdu University of Technology;Chengdu 660059;China
Glucosinolate Profile and Accumulation in Cabbages
DONG Li;REN Xue-song;LI Cheng-qiong; SI Jun;SONG Hong-yuan Chongqing Key Laboratory of Olericulture;Key Laboratory of Horticulture Science for Southern Mountainous Regions;Ministry of Education/School of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture;Southwest University;Chongqing 400716;China
Quantitative Classification and Ordination of Wild Cymbidium goeringii Concomitant Communities in Chongqing
LUO Tao1;2;HE Ping1 1.School of Life Sciences;Southwest University;Key Laboratory of Eco-environments of Three Gorges Reservoir Region;Chongqing Key Laboratory of Plant Ecology and Resources Research for Three Gorges Reservoir Region;Chongqing 400715;China;2.Department of Forest Sciences;Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences;Yongchuan Chongqing 402168;China
The Stability of a Class of Fourth-Order Nonlinear Autonomous Systems
QIN Hong-li;LIU Miao;FU Hua College of Mathematics and Computer Science;Yan’an University;Yan’an Shaanxi 716000;China
A Common Endpoint for Two Multi-Valued Generalized Weak Contraction Mappings
XU Dan-ning;DENG Lei School of Mathematics and Statistics;Southwest University;Chongqing 400715;China
A Study on Tissue Culture Media of the Medicinal Mosses Bryum argenteum and Sphagnum palustre L.
JIANG Shan;TIAN Xue-wu School of Life Sciences;Guizhou Normal University;Guiyang 550001;China
Short Time-Scale Change of Underground River Water Quality in a Typical Karst Trough Valley Area Under Rainfall Conditions ——A Case Study of the Underground River in Nanshan Laolong Cave,Chongqing
ZHENG Jie1;LI Lin-li1;2;CAO Min1; LUO Jian1;WU Jin-quan11.School of Geographical Sciences;Southwest University;Chongqing 400715;China;2.Institute of Karst Environment and Rocky Desertification Control;Southwest University;Chongqing 400715;China
SSR Analysis of the Genetic Diversity of Cotton Cultivars/Lines
TENG Zhong-hua;WANG Xiao-wen;ZHANG Jian; LIU Da-jun;ZHANG Zheng-sheng School of Agronomy and Biotechnology;Southwest University/Engineering Research Center of South Upland Agriculture;Ministry of Education;Chongqing 400715;China
A Preliminary Study of the Dynamic Variation of Rhizosphere Microorganism Communities of the Endangered Plant Cathaya argyrophylla
YI Si-rong;HUANG Ya;XIAO Bo;QUAN Jian; HAN Feng;WEI Zhong-qiang;CAO Hou-qiang Institute of Medicine Plantation of Chongqing;Chongqing 408435;China
Blowup for a Porous Medium Equation with Localized Source and Nonlocal Boundary Condition
HUANG Chen-cheng;MU Chun-lai School of Mathematics and Statistics;Chongqing University;Chongqing 400044;China
Study on Effects of Different Substrate Types on the Survival and Growth of Camellia oleifera Abel. Grafted Seedlings
DU Yang-wen1;DENG Xian-zhen1;CHENG Jun-yong1; ZENG Bo1;YUAN Wei2;NIE Ming3 1.Hubei Academy of Forestry;Wuhan 430075;China;2.Wunaoshan Forest Farm of Macheng;Huanggang Hubei 431600;China;3.Ba’nan Forestry Bureau of Chongqing;Ba’nan Chongqing 401320;China
The Existence of Three Nontrivial Solutions for a Class of Quasi-Linear Elliptic Equations
CHU Chang-mu College of Science;Guizhou Minzu University;Guiyang 550025;China
The δ-Radical Property and τ-Radical Property of Groups
LI Xue-mei;ZHANG Zhi-rang College of Mathematics;Chengdu University of Information Technology;Chengdu 610225;China
Conditional Fault-Tolerant Hamiltonicity of Bubble-Sort Graphs
SHI Hai-zhong;NIU Pan-feng School of Mathematics and Statistics;Northwest Normal University;Lanzhou 730070;China
Quantitative Evaluation on Forest Eco-tourism Resources of National Forest Parks and Nature Reserves in Guizhou Province
MU Biao1;ZHOU Ming-rong2;HU Ming-liang3 1.College of Life Science;Guizhou University;Guiyang 550025;China;2.Zunyi Environmental Protection Bureau;Zunyi Guizhou 563000;China;3.Guizhou Institute of Environmental Science and Designing;Guiyang 550081;China
Statistical Convergence of Metric Spaces
LAN Yong-yi1;2;CHEN Xiao-hong2 1.School of Mathematics and Statistics;Southwest University;Chongqing 400715;China;2.School of Sciences;Jimei University;Xiamen Fujian 361005;China
An Equation Involving the Smarandache Dual Function
CHEN Bin Department of Mathematics;Weinan Teachers University;Weinan Shaanxi 714000;China
The Properties of the Fuzzy Choquet Integral and Minkowski Type Inequality
WU Jian-rong;JIANG Cheng-gang Department of Mathematics and Physics;University of Science and Technology of Suzhou;Suzhou Jiangsu 215009;China
Time Course Effects of Temporal Integration in Different Facial Expression Recognition
CHEN Ben-you1;HUANG Xi-ting2 1.Faculty of Education;Southwest University;Chongqing 400715;China;2.School of Psychology;Southwest University;Chongqing 400715;China
Influence of the Sea-land Interface Moisture Transport Flux on Reference Evapotranspiration in Liaohe Delta
LI Guo-sheng1;2;WANG Bing-liang2;3 1.School of geographic Science;Southwest University;Chongqing 400715;China;2.Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;CAS;Beijing 100101;China;3.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China
Hypoglycemic Activity of Polysaccharides from Girardinia diversifolia (Link) Friis and Their Antioxidant Activity in vitro and in vivo.
CHEN Zhang-bao1;PENG Xia1;HE Jiang-mei1;ZHOU Ze-yang2 1.School of Pharmaceutical Sciences;Southwest University;Chongqing 400715;China;2.Sericultural Key Laboratory of Agricultural Ministry;Southwest University;Chongqing 400715;China
Convergence Analysis of Regional Differences in Rural Residents’ Income——Taking Sichuan for Example
LU Xiao-li;XIE Xian-jian School of Geography and Resources Science;Neijiang Normal University;Neijiang Sichuan 641100;China