Case-control Study of the Genetic Polymorphism of Endothelin-1 Gene and Essentia1 Hypertension
wang zhen1; zhou jian-zhong1; hang li-wei1; dou gui-wang2; cai jia-chun2; zhong wang-tao3; wu zhi-hong21.department of cardiology; first hospital; chongqing medical university; chongqing 400016; china; 2.department of epidemiology of the public health school of chongqing medical university; chongqing 400016; china; 3.department of neurology of affiliated hospital of guangdong medical college; zhanjiang guangdong 524001; china
Complete Mitochondrial Genome Sequence Analysis of Jianchang Duck
tu jian-feng1; 2; huang yin-hua1; liu san-feng3; li ning11.state key laboratory for agrobiotechnology; china agricultural university; beijing 100094; china; of special wild economic animal and plant science; chinese academy of agricultural science; jilin jilin 132109; china; of animal science and technology; jiangxi agricultural university; nanchang 330045; china
On a Class of Istropic Ricci Curvature(α,β)-Metrics
yang jun-li1; cheng xin-yue2; wang of mathematics and statistics; southwest university; chongqing 400715; china; of mathematics and physics; chongqing university of technology; chongqing 400050; china
Combining Ability and Cluster Analysis of Some Maize Inbred Lines
qi zhi-yun1; 2; yang hua2; qiu zheng-gao2; cai yi-lin1; zhang ya-qin2; luo of agronomy and biotechnology; southwest university; chongqing 400716; china; 2.maize research institute; chongqing academy of agricultural sciences; chongqing 400055; china
The Structure of a Class of Abundant Semigroups
kong xiang-jun1; hou hai-long2; wang of mathematics and statistics; lanzhou university; lanzhou gansu 730000; china; school; henan university of science and technology; luoyang henan 471003; china; 3.library; qufu normal university; qufu shandong 273165; china