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Journal of Southwest Agricultural University
2008 Issue 10
cDNA-AFLP Analysis on Leaf Color Traits in Red-Leaf Mustard
song ming; sang yan; tang qing-lin; wang zhi-min; yang yangschool of horticulture and landscape architecture; southwest university; chongqing key laboratory of olericulture; chongqing 400715; china
Driving Mechanism for Migrant Rural Worker Training——A Case Study of Bishan Country of Chongqing Municipality
shi yong-ming; qiu dao-chi; feng ling-ling; zhao ya-ping school of geography science; southwest university; chongqing 400715; china
Sequence Position Effect of Repetition Blindness
guo ya-qiao; wang li-li; qiu jiang; zhang qing-linschool of psychology; southwest university; chongqing 400715; china
Research of BA/IAA-Based in vitro Regeneration Systems for Jatropha curcas
wu chun-xia1; li rui1; liu yan-jun1; mu jun-li2; yang jing-hui11.horticultural department of tianjin agricultural university; tianjin 300384; china; 2.school of horticulturel and landscape architecture; southwest university; chongqing 400715; china
Effects of White Clover(Trifolium repen L.) Extract on Soil Enzyme Activities in Raspberry Rhizosphere
sui bao-qiang1; 2; zhang xin3; deng sheng-xing1; luo guang-jie1; xu shu-jun1; zeng ming11.school of horticulture and landscape architecture; southwest university; chongqing 400715; china; 2.zigong forestry bureau; sichuan zigong 643000; china; 3.guilin agricultural bureau; guangxi guilin 541001; china
On the Diophantine Equation x~3-1=103y~2
mu quan-wu; wu qiangschool of mathematics and statistics; southwest university; chongqing 400715; china
Normality and Shaved Values
zhao bi-bo1; jin qun-wei21.college of mathematics and physics; chongqing university; chongqing 400030; china; 2.yuanqiao high school; taizhou zhejiang 318020; china
A Reflection Spectrum-Based Method for Determining the Maturity Grades of Fresh Flue-Cured Tobacco Leaves
li fo-lin1; 2; zhao chun-jiang2; wang ji-hua2; liu liang-yun21.tobacco college of yunnan agricultural university; kunming 650201; china; 2.national engineering research center for information technology in agriculture; beijing 100089; china
Effects of Low Temperature and Poor Light on Physiological Characters of Grafted Cucumber Plants on Different Stocks
qie li-juan1; qi tie-quan2; su jun-po2; han jian-hui11.institute of cash crops; hebei academy of agriculture and forestry sciences; shijiazhuang 050051; china; 2.vegetable station in leting county of hebei province; tangshan hebei 063000; china
Study on Factors Affecting Anther Culture of Potato
yue lian; he feng-faschool of agronomy and biotechnology; southwest university; chongqing 400715; china
Antimicrobic Susceptibility of Klebslellae pneumonia Isolated from Freshwater Fish
zhang fen1; ding shi-hua1; sun han-chang2; chai jing1; huang li1; zhang ya-fei3; zuo yi-bing3; tang yi11.school of animal science and technology; southwest university; chongqing 400715; china; 2.department of life sciences; college of chongqing university of arts and sciences; yongchuan chongqing 402168; china; 3.chongqing beibei agricultural administration; chongqing 400700; china
The Influence of Some Cover-Avoiding Subgroups on the Structure of a Finite Group
wang li-li1; chen gui-yun1; wang ai-fa21.school of mathematics and statistics; southwest university; chongqing 400715; china; 2.yucai college; southwest university; chongqing 401524; china
An Integrated Semigroup Induced by the General Catastrophe Process
liu hua; li yang-rongschool of mathematics and statistics; southwest university; chongqing 400715; chin
The Monotonicity,Duality and Feller Property of Weighted Markov Branching Process
ding shui-qin; li yang-rongschool of mathematics and statistics; southwest university; chongqing 400715; chin
Sequence Analysis of Mitochondrial Cyt b Gene Fragments of Three Species of Erythroculter
feng xiao-yu; xie nan; li xing-xian; xu bao-qinghangzhou academy of agricultural sciences; hangzhou 310024; china
Dual Weighted Markov Branching Processes
cai yu; li yang-rongschool of mathematics and statistics; southwest university; chongqing 400715; chin
On the Normality of Meromorphic Functions Related to Shared Values
ruan jie-chang1; 2; li yan21.college of mathematics and physics; chongqing university; chongqing 400030; china; 2.basic education department; yibin vocational & technical college; yibin sichuan 644003; china
Research of Incentive Mechanisms of Rural Housing Land Transition——A Case Study of Bishan Country of Chongqing Municipality
qiu dao-chi; zhao ya-ping; shi yong-ming; feng ling-lingschool of geography science; southwest university; chongqing 400715; china
Conflict Effect of Gender-Stereotypical Names and Pronouns
han yan; qiu jiang; zhang qing-linschool of psychology; southwest university; chongqing 400715; china
Convergence of Ishikawa Iterative Scheme with Errors for Finite Families of Asymptotically Nonexpansive Non-self Mappings
wang de-zhen; deng leischool of mathematics and statistics; southwest university; chongqing 400715; chin
Analysis of the Changes in Land for Construction and the Driving Forces for Them in Chongqing
ge chun-ye; tu jian-jun; li kuan; teng yu-xiang; chen xiao-junschool of geographical science; southwest university; chongqing 400715; china
Impacts of Tourist Activities on the Vegetation of the Recreation Areas in Natural Reserves
qin yuan-hao1; xie de-ti2; wang zhuang31.school of economics and management; southwest university; chongqing 400715; china; 2.school of resources and environment; southwest university; chongqing 400715; china; 3.school of horticulture and landscape architecture; southwest university; chongqing 400715; china
Absorption and Accumulation of Nickel in Tea Plants
tang qian1; ye shan-rong2; chen neng-wu2; zhang shu-min2; tan he-ping21.college of forestry and horticulture; sichuan agricultural university; ya an sichuan 625014; china; 2.national institute of measurement and testing technology; chengdu 610021; china
On the Normality of a Kind of Meromorphic Functions
jiang jian-ping1; jing zheng-xiong21.college of mathematics and physics; chongqing university; chongqing 400030 china; 2.chaoyang middle school of chongqing; chongqing 400700; china
Analysis on the Relativity Between the Change of Cultivated Land Area and Economic Development in Chongqing City
lu chun-yang1; 2; yang qing-yuan1; wen feng3; zhang yan-tao31.school of resource and environment; southwest university; chongqing 400715; china; 2.surveg and land information department of pingdingshan institute of technology; pingdingshan henan 467001; china; 3.school of geographical sciences; southwest university; chongqing 400715; china
The Construction of COX-2 DNA Vaccine and Its Expression in COS-7 Cells
luo heng1; wang he-yong2; xiang yang3; tang liang2; tan li-song2; zhou cai-cun2; sun min31.department of pharmacy; affiliated shanghai pulmonary hospital; tongji university; shanghai 200433; china; 2.department of lung cancer and immunotherapy; affiliated shanghai pulmonary hospital; tongji university; shanghai 200433; china; 3.school of life science; southwest university; chongqing 400715; china
System of Variational-Like Inclusions Involving (G_i,η_i)-Monotone Operators
xiao cheng-ying1; li qing2; deng lei31.international department; guangya school; dujiangyan sichuan 611833; china; 2.college of computer science and technology; southwest university for nationalities; chengdu 610041; china; 3.school of mathematics and statistics; southwest university; chongqing 400715; chin
Chemical Composition and Energy Density in Juvenile Coreius guichenoti
wu bin; luo yi-ping; xie xiao-junschool of life science; southwest unuversity; chongqing 400715; china
Study on the Active Vibration Control of the Piezoelectric Cantilevered Beam with Grey Theory
deng guo-hong1; 2; yu xiong-ying3; ou jian2; zhang guang-hui11.the state key laboratory of mechanical transmission; chongqing university; chongqing 400044; china; 2.chongqing automobile college; chongqing institute of technology; chongqing 400050; china; 3.department of electro-mechanical and information engineering; chongqing aerospace college of vocational technology; chongqing 400021; china
Ecogeographical Distribution of Butterflies in the Daxiangling Mountains of Sichuan Province
li ai-min1; chen chang-qing2; deng he-li1; 2; liu wen-ping11.chongqing museum of natural history; chongqing 400700; china; 2.chongqing parnassian researches company; chongqing 400700; china
Random Vector F-Implicit Complementarity Problems and Corresponding Variational Inequality Problems
wei hui; deng leischool of mathematics and statistics; southwest university; chongqing 400715; china
Design and Implementation of a Software for Rape Seed Color Analysis
zhang he; tang zhang-lin; li jia-na; chen lischool of agronomy and biotechnology; southwest university; chongqing 400715; china
Effect of DNA Vaccine on Humoral Immune Response by Subcutaneous Injection for Different Sites in Mice
wang he-yong1; xiang yang2; tang liang1; sun min21.department of lung cancer and immunotherapy; affiliated shanghai pulmonary hospital; tongji university; shanghai 200433; china; 2.school of life science; southwest university; chongqing 400715; china
Effects of Food on the Development and Reproduction of Callosobruchus maculatus Fabricius
cao xin-min1; 2; zhao zhi-mo1; zhao xian-ping3; wang jin-jun1; deng yong-xue1; dou wei11.key laboratory of entomology and pest control engineering; southwest university; chongqing 400715; china; 2.no.1 middle school; linquan; fuyang anhui 236400; china; 3.department of bioengineering; sichuan university of science and engineering; zigong sichuan 643000; china