On Generating L-Fuzzy Subgroup
yang zhi-hui liu long-zhang (dept. of computational science and information management; east china institute of technology; fuzhou; jx 344000; china)
A Method of 3D Modeling Based on QTPV in Subsurface Rock Bedding
cheng peng-gen~(1; 2); liu xue-bin~3; shi wen-zhong~4; wang wei~2 (1. department of survey; east china institute of technology; fuzhou; jx 344000; china; 2. state key laboratory for information engineering in surveying; mapping and remote sensing; wuhan university; wuhan; hb 430079; china; 3. communication design institute of jiangxi province; nanchang; jx 344000; china; 4. department of land surveying and geo-informatics; the hong kong polytechnic university; kowloon; hk; china)