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Linguistics Study
2016 Issue 2
Addressing Animals with Clicking Sounds: Patterns and Universals
RAN Qi-bin;GU Qian;College of Chinese Language and Culture;Nankai University;College of International Exchange;Tianjin Foreign Studies University;
Analysis of the Rhyme of Han(汉) Dynasty Through Mathematical Statistics
WEI Hong-jun;Department of Faculty of Arts;Beijing Normal University;
Perceptual Studies on Voiced Initial Stops in Wu(吴) Dialect: Illustrated by the Example of Shanghai(上海) Dialect
WANG Yi-zhi;CHEN Zhong-min;Department of Chinese language and Literature;Shaoxing University;Department of Chinese language and Literature;Fudan University;
The Medials of Geng(梗) She(摄) Kaikou(开口) Er(二) Deng(二等) of the Middle Ancient Times in Beijing(北京) Dialect
YAN Shun-ying;Department of Chinese Language and Literature;Peking University;
Some Phonetic Phenomena Arised from Derivatives Appeared in Wu Yin Ji Yun(五音集韵) in Jin(金) Dynasty
ZHANG Yi;School of Humanities;Huaibei Normal University;
The Origin of the Subjective Quantity Marker Ge(个) in Luqiao(路桥) Dialect and Its Comparative Analysis with Mandarin
DING Jian;Institute of Linguistics;Chinese Academy of Social Sciences;
The Case Marker Shang(上) in Shangri-La(香格里拉) Mandarin Dialect: On the Grammaticalization Chain from Positional Words to Case Markers
ZHOU Yang;Department of Chinese Studies;National University of Singapore;
The Parallel and Opposition of Guoran(果然) and Jingran(竟然)
YAO Yao;Department of Chinese Literature and Language;Soochow University;
Degree, Scale and the Semantics of Zhen(真) and Jia(假)
LUO Qiong-peng;School of Liberal Arts;Nanjing University;
The Examples of Collating the Sound and Meaning of All Scriptures in the Tang Dynasty(大唐众经音义) Written by Xuanying(玄应)(Continued Chapter Ⅰ)
HUANG Ren-xuan;Institute of Chinese Language;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
On Dou(豆) in Qiyanlu(启颜录)
LI Run-sheng;Center for Studies Chinese as a Second Language;Beijing Language and Cultural University;
Research on the Meaning Kitchen of Zhangxia(帐下)
ZHANG Hui;School of Language and Cultures;Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology;
Heritance or Areal Convergence: Evidenced by the Word Order of Tibeto-Burmans
LIU Jun;Institute of Linguistic Studies;Shanghai International Studies University;