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Linguistics Study
2014 Issue 3
On the Sense Extension Mechanism and Semantic Construal Strategy of the Chinese Verb Huaiyi(怀疑)
YUAN Yu-lin;Department of Chinese Lang.& Lit.;Peking University/Research Center of Chinese Linguistics/Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Computational Linguistics;
Youbuyou(有不有) by Analogy:An Individual Case Research of Accented Mandarin
CHU Ze-xiang;LIU Qi;Chinese Language and Literature College of Central China Normal University;
Definiteness in Chinese Habitual Irrealis Clauses
FAN Chang-rong;Foreign Languages Department;Changsha University;
The Syllable Sort of Parallel Construction in the Perspective of Stress Pattern
WANG Cheng;Research Institute for Ancient Books/Research Center for History of Chinese Language;Zhejiang University;
Subjective Pronoun and Objective Pronoun
DONG Xiu-fang;Department of Chinese Lang.& Lit.;Peking University/Research Center of Chinese Linguistics/Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Computational Linguistics;
General and Decomposed Emotional Structure and Basic Types of the Co-occurrence of the Interjection and the Modal Particle
GUO Pan;School of Chinese Language and Literature;Central China Normal Univesity;
The Conjunction Bieshuo(别说) and Budan(不但)
ZHOU Li;College of the Humanities;Jilin University;
On the Origin of Epistemic Adverb Keneng(可能)
HU Jing-shu;School of Humanities;Nanjing Normal University;School of Humanities;Changzhou University;
Fuzziness of Empty Word Ban(半)
WEI Yan-li;International Education School;Zhongnan University of Economics and Law;
An Textual Research on Illustrative Examples Borrowed By Chen Di(陈第) from Wu Yu(吴棫)
CHEN Hong-ru;School of Philosophy and Social Development;Huaqiao University;
Ten Examples for Collating the Sound and Meaning of the Tripitaka Compiled by Huilin(慧琳音义)
HUANG Ren-xuan;Institute of Chinese Linguistics;Research Center for Chinese Language History of National Affairs Research Institute;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
The Development of Duo-Yao-Jue(铎药觉) Rhymes in Bian-Luo(汴洛) Dialect
DUAN Ya-guang;School of Chinese language and literature;Research Institute for Language Science and Language Planning;Henan University;
A Study on the Comparison between Rhymed Words of Yuan(元) Songs and Zhongyuanyinyun(中原音韵)
LI Rui;Department of Chinese Language and Literature;Guizhou University;
The Research on the Difficult Characters in Yupian(玉篇)
ZHENG Xian-zhang;College of Humanities;Hunan Normal University;
Explanation of Knotty Characters in the Inscriptions of the Six Dynasties
LIANG Chun-sheng;College of Literature;Hebei University;
Further Discussion on the Word Cheng(承) Meaning Wen(闻)
LEI Han-qing;WANG Yong;College of Literature and Journalism;Sichuan University;
On Some Words in Wangzhen Nongshu(王祯农书)
YAN Feng;College of Humanities and Law;Shandong University of Science and Technology;
A Survey on the Passive Sentence of Unpatient-Subject in Ningbo(宁波)
RUAN Gui-jun;School of Chinese language & Literature;Wuhan University;
Personal Pronouns in the Suburban District of Suzhou(苏州)
LIN Qi-qian;School of Overseas Studies;Soochow University;
Computer-Oriented Research on the Neighboring Characteristics of the Chinese Verb De(得)
LUO Lin;Department of Chinese Language and Literature;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
The Origin of the Affirmative-negative Questions in Miao-Yao(苗瑶) Languages
TAN Xiao-ping;College of Art and Communication;China Three Georges University;